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- Create Date November 29, 2023
- Last Updated November 29, 2023
The IGAD Regional Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2030 “Equality, Inclusion, and Empowerment”
The IGAD Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2030 sets the strategic framework for priority inter- ventions in the implementation of IGAD Vision 2050 and builds on several on-going Pro- grammes established to develop resilient ecosystems and economic growth. The programmes include IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI), regional CAADP Compact, Institutional Strengthening Action Program (ISAP), Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Security, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Regional Economic Co- operation and Integration, Social Development, Peace and Security, Gender Affairs, and other strategies and policy papers which underpin the IGAD regional programmes. The main inter- vention areas of this Strategy are food security, socio-economic development, sustainable uti- lization of transboundary resources, and peace and security. Additionally, several interventions have been outlined under corporate development services.
This gender strategy outlines an approach that intends to translate IGAD's commitments to gender equality, inclusion, and empowerment into demonstrable results. It also outlines an ac- countability structure for ensuring policy oversight and achievement of those results. The re- gional gender equality strategy aims to:
- Respond to the most pressing and emerging gender priorities in the IGAD region;
- Provide a roadmap for IGAD both at the secretariat and specialized/technical offices level to advance gender equality in their programs; and
- Create an enabling environment for promoting gender equality.
The strategy is anchored on the overarching aim and objective of building and acceleratingregional integration and cross border cooperation among Member States.
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