About IGAD

IGAD Regional Strategy


The IGAD 2021-2025 Strategy sets the strategic framework for priority interventions over the first five year for the implementation of IGAD Vision 2050. It builds on a number of on-going Programmes established to develop resilient ecosystems and economic growth. The programmes include IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI), regional CAADP Compact, Institutional Strengthening Action Programme (ISAP), Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Security, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration, Social Development, Peace and Security, Gender Affairs, and other strategies and policy papers which underpin the IGAD regional programmes. The main intervention areas of this Strategy 2021-2025 are food security, socio-economic development, sustainable utilisation of transboundary resources, and peace and security. Additionally, a number of interventions have been outlined under corporate development services. These intervention areas will enable IGAD to implement the interventions proposed under the respective pillars.


The economic mainstay in the region is based on natural and environmental resources, with agriculture as the bedrock of the regional economy. However, for agriculture to succeed and ensure food security, the environment conditions must be favourable in terms of quality, climatic and sustainable management of natural resources.

Which mean, revitalization and transformation of the agricultural sector is a precondition to achieving high and sustainable growth, reduce poverty and ensure food security within the IGAD region. Food security and nutrition as a priority area continues to receive support from several relevant policies, strategies and related regional frameworks. This goes a long way in supporting Member States efforts towards enhancing production and productivity, and livelihoods of vulnerable segments of the population.

The five-year Strategy lines up cross border framework as the main priority areas in supporting livestock animal husbandry, post-harvest management practices, development of the fisheries sector, harnessing water resources for irrigation, animal and human use; and leveraging the blue and green economies. Improving land governance issues, and restoration of degraded lands through embracing best practices in sustainable natural resource management and utilisation, will not only increase food production, but also build resilience to disasters and climate change variabilities and amplified access to safe green energy. Applied dry land research accompanied with appropriate technology uptake creates additional opportunities of exploiting dry land crops for food and commercial purposes.

Despite IGAD’s considerable economic potential and natural resource endowments, member regions still remain underdeveloped economically. It is against this background that the Strategy builds on the cross border/bilateral initiatives in the areas of livestock trade, transboundary environment and natural resource management programmes, environment and natural resource management and climate change management. Hence, IGAD developed priority interventions that are anchored on the development and harmonisation of policies and strategies related to natural resources and environment management, climate change, disaster risk management, and sustainable natural management and utilization including access to clean energy. This aims at protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss. As a result, ensure a sustainable environment and climate resilient economies and communities. Additional research on climate risk mitigation includes generation and increased availability, access and use of data and information to guide disaster risk management and strengthen disaster preparedness, mitigation and resilience in the IGAD Region. The approaches which have worked so far in harnessing transboundary resources include community participation and application of transboundary protocols for efficient utilization of such resources.


The IGAD region has been recording steady economic growth. If this progresses well, the region has without a doubt the potential to accelerate and drive broader social and human development. New opportunities arising from the digital transformation, the demographic dividend, low-cost renewable energy, the green transition and a low-carbon, blue and circular economy can be a great boost.

Despite this significant progress made in economic growth, the region remains fragile and unstable, and especially vulnerable to shocks occasioned by conflict and insecurity, climate, and economic turbulences. These shocks have a negative impact on the livelihoods of communities in the region and stifle poverty reduction. Integrating social development is a top agenda for IGAD as a way to enhance and sustained long-term growth. In particular, expanding Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes for diverse skills development is critical for expanding mid-cadre level employment and spurring industrialisation.

(i) Social development

When it comes to enhancing the quality of life for communities in member region, towards prosperity, IGAD continues to implement common policies. Those policies are geared towards improving social development and to foster integrated regional mechanisms through the IGAD social development agenda. The strategic interventions areas centre on health, nutrition, education, population policy, migration, employment, social protection, youth, culture and sports. The programmes target youth, children, women and other vulnerable groups.

To complement those initiatives, member States are strongly committed to development programmes that ensure social equality, strengthen education and STI policy frameworks. This will create room for expanded employment opportunities while leveraging culture and sports as part of economic empowerment. Still, there are a number of vulnerable groups including the poor, refugees and displaced persons, and persons with disabilities who require direct intervention. Although these

vulnerable groups have benefitted from social protection programmes integrated into the national delivery systems before, IGAD and other humanitarian agencies have occasionally stepped in to meet the most urgent needs of the affected populations. More importantly, IGAD is committed to entrenching durable solutions for forced displacements with the aid of strengthening early warming mechanisms and facilitate safe, orderly and regular migration.

In improving the social wellbeing and human productivity for inclusive development in the IGAD region, the Strategy envisages to support the efforts of national health authorities in strengthening health systems. A lot of emphasis will go into those health systems that are in cross border areas and refugee settings, while enhancing prevention, control, management and treatment of diseases including compliance of harmonised medical standards and guidelines. The combined effects of these interventions help in providing conditions and human capital for decent employment opportunities and life at large.

(ii) Regional Integration and Cooperation

The central strategic role of IGAD is to promote regional cooperation and integration among its member states with the aim of improving the welfare of all citizens. To achieve this, IGAD works through the two programme areas of trade, industry and tourism, and infrastructure development. In the context of trade, IGAD remains committed to the unification of the region within the continent as well as participating in the global arena. The AfCFTA to which both IGAD and its members are party to potentially offers substantial opportunities for trade, investment and tourism. This complements the opportunities from the multiple and inter and intra- REC market access opportunities that have not been fully utilized across both the IGAD region and the African continent. Exploitation of these opportunities is tied to further harmonisation of the various key business codes. They include synergies in the various master plans, and improved infrastructure connectivity.

The key facilitators towards deepened regional integration include regional policies, industrialization and service development and cross border infrastructure. Others are efficient corridor based regional transport infrastructure with intra/ inter-REC and continental networks (PIDA, HOAI) with global connectivity; clean energy generation and interconnection to facilitate cross border energy trade, ICT terrestrial broad band connectivity, and cyber security infrastructure, institutional arrangements including establishment of truckers and business associations, and innovative funding mechanisms.

The AfCFTA framework on market access is committed to facilitating the expansion of industrial activities, leveraging on the competitiveness of existing transport infrastructure and related services in the region. Further, the complementary regional and continental policies proposed in the CFTA framework on free movement of people, goods, capital, and services stands to diversify the socio-economic base of the continent. The IGAD region stands to benefit from the wider opportunities arising from CFTA, in the form of expanded infrastructure, trade and technological transformation.


Regarded as a pre-requisite to economic development and regional integration; IGAD remains dedicated to enhancing peace and security in the region. The region on the other hand is devoted to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. This is in line with national and global aspirations. IGAD will continue to pursue sustainable peace, security and stability under the various commitments contained in AU Agenda 2063, United Nations’ SDG 2030.

As such, IGAD envisages addressing both the national and regional security threats through Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution, strengthening Regional Cooperation and Coordination against existing, evolving and emerging threats. However, transnational security threats call for extra-regional partnerships, either bilateral or multilateral, to handle such forms of insecurity.

To pursue this, a number of priority interventions must be formulated and implemented. They include strengthened data collection, analysis and dissemination capacity for conflict early warning and timely response actions; enhancing IGAD’s capacity for preventive diplomacy, mediation and peace building for sustainable peace, security and stability in the region; assisting Member States emerging out of conflicts to develop and implement Post-conflict peace building strategies and programmes in line with the AU PCRD policy framework; strengthen the predictive, preventive, responsive, and adaptive capabilities of IGAD and member states to address

transnational security threats; and promote IGAD’s engagement in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden towards better cooperation and collective actions. The successes of these interventions depend on capacity building at both IGAD Secretariat and among member states to manage the different forms of security threats.


The key enabler for IGAD regional integration is the set of Corporate Services. They enable IGAD to deliver its mandate of regional cooperation and integration effectively and efficiently. The services are cross-cutting in nature and support the delivery of IGAD’s programmes and projects at the regional and national levels. These include information and communication technology, human resources development systems, financial and accounting systems, budget and reporting systems, risk management and auditing systems, legal system, quality assurances and standard procedures, procurement system, communication and knowledge management systems and lastly planning, monitoring and evaluation systems. IGAD also needs to harmonize her policies and procedures on various cross cutting issues such as gender, staff welfare, safety and health.

In order to accelerate its delivery mechanisms, IGAD has undergone significant institutional reforms that have resulted in increased staff capacity, and improved management systems and procedures. However, there is need for continuous improvement in key internal systems and processes. This is informed by the change in the business environment and the desire to ensure value addition through improved organizational performance benefitting key stakeholders as well as maintaining relevance in the region and beyond.

Key highlights in the next 5 years shall include among others, refinement of the existing systems and processes, integration of existing systems and implementation of new processes, communication and digitalisation. The interventions will narrow down to establishment of effective, efficient and responsive systems and business processes that are adoptable and that comply with the institutional policies, national and regional statistical systems, regulations and international standards; as well as increased availability and access to information. Fragmenting the goals further will ensure evidence-based decision-making, M&E; enhanced organizational performance and operational efficiency and effectiveness of the different programme areas. Also, partnership and synergy in common programme areas will be enablers for maximum benefits to the stakeholders. Concurrently, corporate services also ensure institutional governance mechanisms of accountability.