

The IGAD Youth Policy 2023
The IGAD Youth Policy 2023

The policy takes cognizant and appreciates the policy actions, initiatives and action plans already undertaken by the Member States. This policy reinvigorates and aims to stimulate the acceleration of the responsive policy actions at the Member State’s level, for the benefit of the youth population of the IGAD Region.

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Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region MODULE: PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT (PSS)
Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region MODULE: PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT (PSS)

Welcome to the Psychosocial Support Module. Psychosocial wellbeing is a necessary condition for any human being to realize their full potential and to lead fulfilling, healthy, and productive lives.

Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region Teacher’s Manual Psychosocial Support (PSS)
Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region Teacher’s Manual Psychosocial Support (PSS)

Welcome to the Psychosocial Support Module. Psychosocial wellbeing is a necessary condition for any human being to realize their full potential and to lead fulfilling, healthy and productive lives.

Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region Module: PEDAGOGY Teachers Manual
Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region Module: PEDAGOGY Teachers Manual

The Modules compiled here are designed to complement the work of member states in the training of teachers primarily in the refugee and host community secondary schools in the IGAD region. They can also be useful, we believe, for the improvement of teachers’ skills in areas of the countries.

Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region Module
Training of Secondary Teachers in Displacement-affected Communities in the IGAD Region Module

In the spirit of collaboration and coordination, this module was developed based on contributions from the National Teaching Training Colleges (NTTCs) within Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda.

IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework
IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework

Migration has increasingly become a key phenomenon in the African continent and the African Union has been at the fore front in recognizing the contribution of migration to socio-economic development and as poverty reduction strategy; thus inspiring the continental body to adopted the Migration Policy framework for Africa (2006) as a basic guideline and reference document to assist Member States and RECs to develop national and regional migration policies as well as, their implementation in accordance with their own priorities and resources.

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Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) Final Report
Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) Final Report

The overall objective of HoA GW4R’s strategic environmental and social assessment is to evaluate the environmental and social impacts of the proposed program and its alternatives to make sure they are fully considered and taken into account at the earliest possible stage of decision-making.

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Cadre stratégique de l’IGAD sur la protection des réfugiés

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IGAD Policy Framework on Refugee Protection
IGAD Policy Framework on Refugee Protection

This Policy Framework acknowledges the efforts and innovations of IGAD Member States in addressing the unique challenges faced by refugees.

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Migration and Displacement: Inclusion and Social Cohesion (Connecting Research, Data and Policy)
Migration and Displacement: Inclusion and Social Cohesion (Connecting Research, Data and Policy)

At the core of social inclusion is the provision of basic social services such as healthcare, education, water, and sanitation. This Policy Brief Series No.1 titled, “Access to Basic Social Services as a Means of Social Inclusion” is a collaborative effort by experts, researchers,and policymakers who participated in the 3rd IGAD Scientific Conference on migration and displacement in 2022.

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Refugee Teachers The Heart of the Global Refugee Response
Refugee Teachers The Heart of the Global Refugee Response

This NORRAG Policy Insights publication on refugee teachers is born from a realisation that, while education has received increased attention in global refugee policy and programming, refugee teachers and teachers of refugees have often been overlooked.

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The IGAD Climate Adaptation Strategy (2023-2030)
The IGAD Climate Adaptation Strategy (2023-2030)

The Strategy recognises the challenges facing key sectors and identifies opportunities that can catalyse the goal of enhanced resilience and adaptive capacity.

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Regional Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security for the IGAD Region from commitment to actions! 2023 – 2030
Regional Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security for the IGAD Region from commitment to actions! 2023 – 2030

The Regional Action Plan on WPS aims to accelerate the implementation of the WPS commitments across the IGAD region.

The IGAD Regional Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2030 “Equality, Inclusion, and Empowerment”
The IGAD Regional Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2030 “Equality, Inclusion, and Empowerment”

The IGAD Gender Equality Strategy sets the stra- tegic framework for priority interventions areas of the implementation of IGAD’s Vision 2050 and builds on several ongoing programs established to develop resilient ecosystems and eco- nomic growth.

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FAO/CEWARN/Interpeace Joint Report on Conflict, Climate Change, Food Security, and Mobility in the Karamoja cluster
FAO/CEWARN/Interpeace Joint Report on Conflict, Climate Change, Food Security, and Mobility in the Karamoja cluster

A study to analyse interactions among conflict, food security, climate change, migration and displacement factors

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A PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE: IGAD’s Regional Initiatives from 2018-2023
A PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE: IGAD’s Regional Initiatives from 2018-2023

The realisation of the goals of the Peace and Security Division derives from a pursuit of its objectives.

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The impacts could be considered alongside the preparation of SOPs after adoption of the conceptual framework for the unification of land administration systems in the rural and urban sectors.

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Training on “Gender-Responsive Standard Operating Procedures for Land Delivery Services in IGAD”
Training on “Gender-Responsive Standard Operating Procedures for Land Delivery Services in IGAD”

As part of the commitment to implement the 2009 Africa Union Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges, IGAD has used …


The guide however makes it clear that the practical steps are neither prescriptive nor must be followed in the order in which they are presented. Member states can use the guide to assess the status of their geodetic network and identify what needs to be done to establish a modern geodetic reference framework that can leverage the benefits of new and improved positioning technologies including GNSS. Thus, the guide provides checklists of minimum requirements for various components of the geodetic network that the member states can use in their planning.


The main objective of the technical guide is to provide practical steps for the development and application of open-source tools in land administration. It is also hoped that with the use and improvement of open-source software and tools, cadastres can build local knowledge and contribute to the development of open-source projects.


While doing series of consultations with government officials and communities Oromia Regional State has established the adhoc Pastoral Advisory Committee at regional and zonal levels i.e Oromia Pastoral Advisory Committee (OPAC) and Zonal pastoral advisory committee (OZPAC). These platforms were used to facilitate the discussions made and supported the implementation process.

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The design of LIFT program is based upon on Theory of Change (ToC) approach based on the standard economic theory model that link title registration and tenure security with investment and agricultural performance. The design of LIFT program features uniqueness from the common land certification programsbyinclusionofmarketinterventionsinadditiontoissuanceofsecondlevellandcertificates which is assumed to accelerate the impacts on land investment and income of the rural households.

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Sur la base du diagnostic du secteur foncier, la présente mission vise à formuler une stratégie de réforme foncière pour les dix prochaines années et à évaluer le coût financier et les bénéfices attendus des réformes dans le secteur foncier.

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Rapport sur l’évaluation du secteur foncier et l’élaboration de la stratégie de réforme du secteur foncier (plan d’investissement stratégique du secteur foncier) pour DJIBOUTI 2022 - 2032
Rapport sur l’évaluation du secteur foncier et l’élaboration de la stratégie de réforme du secteur foncier (plan d’investissement stratégique du secteur foncier) pour DJIBOUTI 2022 – 2032

L’évaluation tiendra compte des initiatives politiques sectorielles actuelles, des réformes politiques et de la Vision nationale 2035, en tenant compte des cadres mondiaux, continentaux et régionaux sur la gouvernance foncière. A ce titre, la mission sera tenue de mener une étude approfondie du secteur foncier de Djibouti et organiser des ateliers et séminaires pour explorer les questions et les tendances actuelles afin de parvenir à un consensus sur les dispositions clés d’une politique foncière et sa mise en œuvre pour les dix (10) prochaines années (2022 – 2032).

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Developing a Prototype Gender-Responsive Standard Operating Procedures in Land Administration for National Application in IGAD Region
Developing a Prototype Gender-Responsive Standard Operating Procedures in Land Administration for National Application in IGAD Region

SOPs have become a great organizational tool to achieve quality and efficiency in all kinds of organizations. They are written, step-by-step instructions that describe how to perform a routine activity.


In light of the expanded mandate, IGAD in collaboration with the Swedish Embassy in Addis Ababa is running a project that seeks to improve the performance of the land administration functions in the IGAD region moving closer to convergence and enabling the implementation of cross border initiatives that have a bearing on land.


Institutions for providing first instance conflict resolution are accessible at the local level in most communities at no cost or affordable cost. As already mentioned above, dispute settlement mechanisms are established at the lowest administrative unit of most areas and are accessible to the public. They are affordable and accessible to the public even if they have capacity problems.

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Every country in the world has a land administration system. The system could be well organized and sophisticated, or it can be rudimentary. Less well developed and less functional land administration systems that evolved in timespan of decades can be improved with extracted relevant experiences from well-developed systems and adapting them to the existing situation of the country.

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Standard Operating Procedures for Managing Expropriation and Compensation in Uganda
Standard Operating Procedures for Managing Expropriation and Compensation in Uganda

The purpose of this review is to identify for strict adherence, the applicable local laws and regulations that govern land expropriation and compensation activities in Uganda.

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Review, Re-Engineering and Computerization of SOPs in Land Administration
Review, Re-Engineering and Computerization of SOPs in Land Administration

The National Land Policy was approved by Cabinet in 2013 to provide a framework for articulating the role of land in national development, land ownership, distribution, utilization, alienability, management and control of land.

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Mainstreaming Gender SOP in Land Administration
Mainstreaming Gender SOP in Land Administration

Uganda’s Vision 2040 represents the country’s bold development agenda towards becoming a middle-income country. Land and land based resources are among the fundamental resources required to support this national development vision.

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The overall objective of the regional land monitoring initiative was to support IGAD Member States to track progress in land policy formulation and implementation in order to improve processes and outcomes of land reforms in accordance with the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa.

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La version populaire de la Stratégie de l’IGAD 2021-2025 présente un résumé concis du cadre stratégique et des modalités de mise en œuvre. 

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Regional Strategy 2021 - 2025 (Popular Version)
Regional Strategy 2021 – 2025 (Popular Version)

IGAD is one of the Regional Economic Communities of the African Union. Its vision complements the African Union’s aspirations of an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa.

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Eastern Africa Livestock Feed and Feeding Strategy (2023-2037)
Eastern Africa Livestock Feed and Feeding Strategy (2023-2037)

The strategy aims to promote and highlight the crucial roles that adequate and quality animal feed and balanced animal nutrition play in achieving sustainable livestock production.

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Camel Resources Management Strategy for the IGAD Region 2023 - 2032
Camel Resources Management Strategy for the IGAD Region 2023 – 2032

This strategy is prepared based on an extensive literature review as well as interviews with experts, herders and other stakeholder groups.

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Drylands Transform Project in the IGAD Region
Drylands Transform Project in the IGAD Region

Through strong stakeholder engagement in interdisciplinary research, DT explores the challenges and pathways towards a social ecological transformation in drylands.

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Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: Performance and Lessons
Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: Performance and Lessons

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) was endorsed in 2003 as the flagship program of the African Union (AU) for agriculture and food security (NEPAD 2003).

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IGAD Corporate Identity (CI) Manual
IGAD Corporate Identity (CI) Manual

This the official IGAD Corporate Identity (CI) document and provides the exact guidelines and rules that should be applied when using the IGAD Brand.

IGAD Strategy for Sustainable and Resilient Livestock Development in View of Climate Change (2022 - 2037)
IGAD Strategy for Sustainable and Resilient Livestock Development in View of Climate Change (2022 – 2037)

The Strategy reflects the existing priorities expressed in Member States’ national policies, consolidating relevant priorities at the nexus of livestock sector development, climate change, and sustainability into a unified, strategic thrust.

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IGAD Regional Guidelines on Rights Based Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs)
IGAD Regional Guidelines on Rights Based Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs)

Migration for Employment from IGAD Member States to other regions has increased exponentially in recent years.

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region

The report examines labour force characteristics, current and future demand for skills, and job creation patterns, and it identifies sectors that have high potential for job creation for nationals and migrants in an integrated regional labour market.

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: South Sudan Country Report
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: South Sudan Country Report

The report examines labour force characteristics, current and future demand for skills, and job creation patterns, and identifies sectors that have high potential for job creation for nationals and migrants in an integrated regional labour market.

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Uganda Country Report
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Uganda Country Report

The ILO in close collaboration with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Secretariat has produced this report titled Labour Market …

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Djibouti Country Report
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Djibouti Country Report

The report examines labour force characteristics, current and future demand for skills, and job creation patterns, and identifies sectors that have high potential for job creation for nationals and migrants in an integrated regional labour market.

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Somalia Country Report
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Somalia Country Report

The report examines labour force characteristics, current and future demand for skills, and job creation patterns, and identifies sectors that have high potential for job creation for nationals and migrants in an integrated regional labour market.

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Sudan Country Report
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Sudan Country Report

The report examines labour force characteristics, current and future demand for skills, and job creation patterns, and identifies sectors that have high potential for job creation for nationals and migrants in an integrated regional labour market.

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Assessment on the Impact of Covid-19 on Migrant Workers in and from the IGAD Region
Assessment on the Impact of Covid-19 on Migrant Workers in and from the IGAD Region

The report provides an overview about the situation of COVID-19 in the IGAD region and identifies the major socio economic challenges faced by migrant workers in and from the IGAD region particularly in the Middle East, which is a major destination for migrant workers from the region.

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Kenya Country Report
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Kenya Country Report

The report examines labour force characteristics, current and future demand for skills, and job creation patterns, and identifies sectors that have high potential for job creation for nationals and migrants in an integrated regional labour market.

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Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Ethiopia Country Report
Labour Market Assessment with a Focus on Migrant Workers from the IGAD Region: Ethiopia Country Report

The report examines labour force characteristics, current and future demand for skills, and job creation patterns, and identifies sectors that have high potential for job creation for nationals and migrants in an integrated regional labour market.

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TEACHERS IN CRISIS CONTEXTS Promising Practices in Teacher Well-being, Management, and School Leadership Second Edition
TEACHERS IN CRISIS CONTEXTS Promising Practices in Teacher Well-being, Management, and School Leadership Second Edition

This second compilation of case studies detailing promising practices in teacher well-being, teacher management, and school leadership was a truly collaborative effort.

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2nd Meeting of IGAD Member States Education Experts Taskforce on Implementation of the Djibouti Declaration and Plan of Action on Refugee Education  Summary Report
2nd Meeting of IGAD Member States Education Experts Taskforce on Implementation of the Djibouti Declaration and Plan of Action on Refugee Education Summary Report

This summary report contains the major deliberations and outcomes of the Second Meeting of the IGAD Education Experts Taskforce on the Implementation of the Djibouti Declaration and Plan of Action on Refugee Education held on the 17th – 18th of July 2018 at the Hilton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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Comprehensive Refugee Responses in the Horn of Africa: Regional Leadership on Education, Livelihoods and Durable Solutions:  Summary of Findings
Comprehensive Refugee Responses in the Horn of Africa: Regional Leadership on Education, Livelihoods and Durable Solutions: Summary of Findings

This Summary Report provides the key findings and recommendations of a study carried out in 2019 which considered the implementation of the CRRF and IGAD initiatives in four countries: Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia and Uganda.

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The Regional Trade Policy 2022-2026 of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development
The Regional Trade Policy 2022-2026 of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development

“This IGAD Regional Trade Policy is an important step towards the realization of the aspirations of the IGAD Member States by facilitating economic integration in the region. The IGAD Regional Trade Policy is designed mainly as a cooperation framework that seeks to guide the IGAD Members States to promote trade integration in a more flexible policy environment.”
Dr Workneh Gebeyehu, IGAD Executive Secretary

“The IGAD Regional Trade Policy was prepared with the support of the AfDB non-lending project “Improving Trade Facilitation Environment in the IGAD Region Through Knowledge Generation and Capacity Building”.

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Women’s Land Rights Agenda for South Sudan
Women’s Land Rights Agenda for South Sudan

The National Women’s Land Rights Agenda for South Sudan is a reflection of gender and land governance challenges and issues in South Sudan. Most distinctive among the challenges and issues concern the legal and normative, formal and informal practices that intersect land, salient are the traditional barriers that inhibit women from enjoying the rights accorded to them in the existing legal frameworks of South Sudan and regional and international treaties promoting the rights of women.

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Women's Land Rights Agenda for Kenya
Women’s Land Rights Agenda for Kenya

Land Reform in Kenya has gone through a process starting with the preparation of Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009 on National Land Policy and the Constitution 2010.

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Ethiopia Women’s Land Rights Agenda
Ethiopia Women’s Land Rights Agenda

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in 2020 commissioned the National Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in Ethiopia to inform its policies, programmes, and operational work for promoting women’s empowerment and land rights security in the region (IGAD, 2020).

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Tools for Gender Responsive Land Governance
Tools for Gender Responsive Land Governance

Land is an asset that allows its owner access to loans to build their houses and to set up small businesses in cities. In rural areas, land is essential for livelihoods, subsistence, and food security.

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A Practice Manual on Mainstreaming Gender in Land Reforms
A Practice Manual on Mainstreaming Gender in Land Reforms

The “Improving Land Governance in the IGAD Region” project aims at facilitating implementation of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in accordance with the Framework and Guidelines on Land Pol- icy in Africa, to facilitate access to land and security of land rights for all land users in the IGAD region, especially vulnerable groups such as pastoralists, women, and youth.

National Gender Assessment of the Land Sector Uganda
National Gender Assessment of the Land Sector Uganda

Uganda’s 1995 Constitution set the country on an un- precedented governance path because of its explicit provisions on gender equality and women’s rights, its declaration that land belongs to the citizens of Uganda, and its provisions for a participatory, decentralised system of government.

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Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in Sudan
Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in Sudan

Sudan is highly diverse in natural resources, cultures, and demographics (UNEP, 2017). Sudan is the site of protracted conflicts that fuel displacement, reinforce social and environmental shocks, and undermine growth in rural areas (OCHA, 2012).

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Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in South Sudan
Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in South Sudan

As a new country emerging from decades of war, South Sudan has tried to establish legal and policy frameworks and institutions of land governance from scratch.

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Uganda Women’s Land Rights Agenda 2021
Uganda Women’s Land Rights Agenda 2021

Land in Uganda has been identified as one of the most important household assets for promoting agricultural production and economic enhancement. Women who form the biggest percentage of the country’s population majorly dominate this sector.

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Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in Kenya
Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in Kenya

Kenya occupies 582,646Km2 of land, which is categorised as public, community, and private. The Kenyan economy is predominantly agricultural, and approximately 80% of the population lives in rural areas and derives employment and livelihoods from agricultural activities, hence the importance of land access for rural livelihoods. Approximately 51% of the Kenyan population is female, but the majority do not own land. Failure to own land among women makes them vulnerable as it is a key factor of production, especially in the rural areas.

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The IGAD Regional Gender Assessment of the Land Sector Report
The IGAD Regional Gender Assessment of the Land Sector Report

The country assessments provide greater clarity on existing stereotypical attitudes and practices about land; considers the roles and responsibilities, norms and rules in access to resources and services as well as decision-making and power and control between girls, boys, women and men; barriers and opportunities faced by women and men in access, control and ownership of land and; participation and representation in formal and informal land administration and management bodies.

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National Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in Ethiopia
National Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in Ethiopia

This national gender assessment of the land sector in Ethiopia has the explicit purpose of informing the policy, programming, and operational work of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). It seeks to support women’s empowerment in improving women’s land ownership in the region.

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Regional Gender Assessment of the Land Sector
Regional Gender Assessment of the Land Sector

Constitutional and legal frameworks of IGAD countries tend to be progressive with land and gender equality. The Constitution of Djibouti (2010) stipulates that the State guarantees equality before the law without distinction between sex and property right.

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Land Governance Business Plan 2020-2030
Land Governance Business Plan 2020-2030

Land in the IGAD region is synonymous with identity, culture, power, development, food and human security. Land and natural resources are abundant . In instances of good land governance (secure tenure, access and use), land and natural resources provide in many ways for IGAD citizens.

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Sudan Women’s Land Rights Agenda 2021-2030
Sudan Women’s Land Rights Agenda 2021-2030

The Government of Sudan (GoS)) recognised the need to develop land policy, land legislation, and functioning land institutions and the supporting services; given that different contexts have different patterns of land use and land holding, which are influenced by the political system, geographical, economic, social, cultural and historical dimensions.

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A Gender-Responsive Prototype National Land Policy for the IGAD Region: A TOOL FOR NATIONAL ADAPTATION
A Gender-Responsive Prototype National Land Policy for the IGAD Region: A TOOL FOR NATIONAL ADAPTATION

This Gender Responsive Prototype National Land Policy (NLP) for the IGAD was drafted in July 2020 and submitted to the IGAD for validation by focal points from Member States and representatives of key stakeholders.

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Gender and Land Training of Trainers (ToT) Guide
Gender and Land Training of Trainers (ToT) Guide

This contains a selection of critical participatory tools that aim at not just raising awareness about gender equality on land but also causing a transformative shift in the way land businesses are conducted.

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Gender Handbook for Land Administrators in the IGAD Region
Gender Handbook for Land Administrators in the IGAD Region

This handbook provides step-by-step guidance to IGAD Member States land administration sectors on integrating gender and inclusion issues and promoting gender equality in the design and execution of land administration projects.

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Formulation De L’agenda Sur Les Droits Fonciers Des Femmes  En République De Djibouti
Formulation De L’agenda Sur Les Droits Fonciers Des Femmes En République De Djibouti

L’étude de la situation du genre dans la gestion du foncier à Djibouti, s’inscrit dans le cadre des politiques de l’IGAD qui est l’instance intergouvernementale qui finance la présente consultation.

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IGAD Sexual Harassment Policy
IGAD Sexual Harassment Policy

To define and institutionalise IGAD’s response to sexual harassment and document the process, which is to be followed, should any grievances arise.

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IGAD Migration Statistics Report (2010 - 2019)
IGAD Migration Statistics Report (2010 – 2019)

The IGAD region is characterized by migratory movements driven by multiple political, economic, and environmental factors making it witness one of the highest levels of displacement and migration anywhere on the  African Continent. The countries in the region are also simultaneously origin, transit, and destination for migrants and refugees, who are increasingly using the same routes. The majority of these migratory movements are within the IGAD region or to neighboring regions, with the migratory flows driven in part by historical and cultural ties, adaptation to increasingly hostile environmental conditions, asylum from conflict, violence, and disasters as well as the search for better livelihood opportunities.

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IGAD Teachers Training Initiative in Displacement - Affected Communities in the IGAD Region
IGAD Teachers Training Initiative in Displacement – Affected Communities in the IGAD Region

The four modules developed in the months following the assessment included: Pedagogy, Psychosocial Support, Life Skills and ICT.

IGAD Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy Framework IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE
IGAD Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy Framework IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE

This policy framework aims to mitigate challenges that emerge from a lack of consistent and aligned policies among the IGAD member states

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IGAD Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy FRAMEWORK
IGAD Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy FRAMEWORK

he IGAD Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy framework seeks to provide clear guidance for the member states on health data sharing via a set of universal principles that ensure that health data is adequately protected.

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Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy
Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy

IGAD’s core mandate includes fostering integration and cooperation among Member States and addressing the health concerns of cross- border mobile populations, internally displaced people, and refugees. 

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Horn of Africa Initiative: Supporting Recovery through Deepening Economic Integration and Promoting Regional Cooperation
Horn of Africa Initiative: Supporting Recovery through Deepening Economic Integration and Promoting Regional Cooperation

It is an input into the planned outreach to partners and to provide details about the priority projects under the HoA Initiative.

Development Partners’ Roundtable on IGAD Regional Infrastructure November 23-25, 2022
Development Partners’ Roundtable on IGAD Regional Infrastructure November 23-25, 2022

Development Partners’ Roundtable on IGAD Regional Infrastructure November 23-25, 2022

IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Volume 2
IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Volume 2

Transformation is associated with economic diversification and an increase in the sophistication of production, which is involves moving up value chains in regional, continental and global production networks.

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IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan - Annexes
IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan – Annexes

The main thrust of the project, in terms of the energy sector, is therefore to promote transmission interconnections between the member countries in the IGAD region.

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IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – Water Sector Report
IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – Water Sector Report

This Water Sector Report is part of four sector reports picked from the overall IRIMP Report. The other three reports are for energy, ICT and transport.

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IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – Transport Sector Report
IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – Transport Sector Report

This Transport Sector Report is part of four sector reports picked from the overall IRIMP Report. The other three reports are for energy, ICT and transboundary water resources.

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IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – ICT Sector Report
IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – ICT Sector Report

IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – ICT Sector Report

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IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report
IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report

IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report

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IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – Energy Sector Report
IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan Final IRIMP Report – Energy Sector Report

This report is the copyright of the IGAD and has been prepared by IPE Global, in association with Africon Universal Consulting, under contract to IGAD.

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PolicyBrief - Ethiopia Transboundary Baro Akobo River Basin
PolicyBrief – Ethiopia Transboundary Baro Akobo River Basin

Co-Management of Fisheries shared between Ethiopia and South Sudan (Baro-Akobo- Sobat) transboundary River basin.

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Djibouti Declaration on Refugee Education in IGAD Member States

Djibouti Declaration on Refugee Education in IGAD Member States

Djibouti Plan of Action on Refugee Education in the IGAD Member States

Djibouti Plan of Action on Refugee Education in the IGAD Member States

Increasing the Accessibility of the Djibouti Declaration on Refugee Education in IGAD Member States

Increasing the Accessibility of the Djibouti Declaration on Refugee Education in IGAD Member States

IGAD press end
Horn of Africa-Groundwater for Resilience HoA- G4R (P174867)

Horn of Africa-Groundwater for Resilience HoA- G4R (P174867) Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)

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The IGAD Regional Women’s Land Rights  Agenda 2021 - 2030
The IGAD Regional Women’s Land Rights Agenda 2021 – 2030

Achieving gender equality in Land is a commitment both at global, regional and national levels.

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Summary Flier_ The IGAD Regional Women's Land Rights Agenda
Summary Flier_ The IGAD Regional Women’s Land Rights Agenda

Land is a crucial resource for the people living in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region.

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The IGAD Coffee Table Book  On the Multiverse of Women on Land
The IGAD Coffee Table Book On the Multiverse of Women on Land

Gender discrimination in access, control and ownership of land remains a serious impediment to socioeconomic development.

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2021-2025 Plan De Mise En Œuvre De La Stratégie Régionale
2021-2025 Plan De Mise En Œuvre De La Stratégie Régionale

La Stratégie 2021-2025 de l’IGAD sera mise en œuvre à l’aide d’un plan de mise en œuvre quinquennal, qui sera ensuite traduit en plans de travail opérationnels annuels élaborés par les divisions et les institutions spécialisées respectives.

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2020 Stratégie Régionale De L’IGAD
2020 Stratégie Régionale De L’IGAD

La stratégie de l’IGAD 2021-2025 est unique. Elle s’inscrit dans la Vision 2050 de la région. Cette stratégie est la première d’une série de six stratégies qui tendent ensemble à fixer un cap à la Vision 2050 de l’IGAD pour les 30 prochaines années.

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IGAD Strategy, State of Region - French Version
IGAD Strategy, State of Region – French Version

Le contenu et les opinions exprimés dans cette publication ne reflètent pas nécessairement les opinions ou les politiques de l’Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement (IGAD).

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IGAD State of the Region Report: Popular version
IGAD State of the Region Report: Popular version

This State of the Region Report was developed in a two-step participatory process that began with an intensive data collection phase in all IGAD Member States.

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IGAD Regional Strategy: The Framework
IGAD Regional Strategy: The Framework

Consistent with Article 7 of the Agreement Establishing the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the IGAD Strategy 2021-2025 is anchored on the overarching aim and objective of building and accelerating regional integration and cross border cooperation among Member States.

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IGAD Regional Strategy: Implementation Matrix
IGAD Regional Strategy: Implementation Matrix

The IGAD Strategy 2021-2025 will be operationalized through a five-year implementation plan, which will further be translated into annual operational work plans developed by the respective divisions and specialized institutions. This five-year implementation plan has been developed through a consultative process with the respective programs teams.

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Horn of Africa (HoA) Groundwater for Resilience Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Component (P174867) Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
Horn of Africa (HoA) Groundwater for Resilience Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Component (P174867) Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

Horn of Africa (HoA) Groundwater for Resilience Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Component (P174867) Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

Strategie Regionale Pour le Developpement Des Statistiques (2021-2025)
Strategie Regionale Pour le Developpement Des Statistiques (2021-2025)

Strategie Regionale Pour le Developpement Des Statistiques (2021-2025)

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Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (2021-2025)
Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (2021-2025)

Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (2021-2025)

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Strategy on Implementation of Chapter III of the R-ARCSS: Towards Durable Solutions for South Sudan Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (2020-2023)
Strategy on Implementation of Chapter III of the R-ARCSS: Towards Durable Solutions for South Sudan Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (2020-2023)

Strategy on Implementation of Chapter III of the R-ARCSS: Towards Durable Solutions for South Sudan Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (2020-2023)

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Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

Reports & PublicationsDownloadreports-publications
REPORT-IGAD Policy Brief
REPORT-IGAD Policy Brief

REPORT-IGAD Policy Brief

Reports & PublicationsDownloadreports-publications
Stratégie Régionale De L’igad Volume 1 : Le Cadre
Stratégie Régionale De L’igad Volume 1 : Le Cadre

Stratégie Régionale De L’igad Volume 1 : Le Cadre

Rapport Sur L’état De La Région De L’igad Une Version Simplifiee
Rapport Sur L’état De La Région De L’igad Une Version Simplifiee

Rapport Sur L’état De La Région De L’igad Une Version Simplifiee



IGAD Regional Strategy and Implementation Plan
IGAD Regional Strategy and Implementation Plan

IGAD Regional Strategy and Implementation Plan

IGAD Strategy and Implementation Plan 2016-2020
IGAD Strategy and Implementation Plan 2016-2020

IGAD Strategy and Implementation Plan 2016-2020
Information Sheet

Policy Brief Omo - Turkana REVISED
Policy Brief Omo – Turkana REVISED

Policy Brief Omo – Turkana REVISED

Reports & PublicationsDownloadreports-publications
Enhancing Food Trade, and Food and Nutrition Security in the IGAD Region through Improved Food Safety Control the Need for Urgent Action
Enhancing Food Trade, and Food and Nutrition Security in the IGAD Region through Improved Food Safety Control the Need for Urgent Action

Enhancing Food Trade, and Food and Nutrition Security in the IGAD Region Through Improved Food Safety Control the Need for Urgent Action

Reports & PublicationsDownloadreports-publications
The IGAD Regional Education Policy Framework
The IGAD Regional Education Policy Framework

The IGAD Regional Education Policy Framework

Reports & PublicationsDownloadreports-publications
Trust-Based, Qualitative Field Methods a Manual for Researchers of Violent Extremism
Trust-Based, Qualitative Field Methods a Manual for Researchers of Violent Extremism

Trust-Based, Qualitative Field Methods a Manual For Researchers of Violent Extremism

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Formulation Process Information Sheet (En - Fr)
Formulation Process Information Sheet (En – Fr)

Formulation Process Information Sheet (En – Fr)

Reports & PublicationsDownloadreports-publications
IGAD State Of The Region Report - A Popular Version (En - Fr)
IGAD State Of The Region Report – A Popular Version (En – Fr)

The Report assesses the performance of the region in six key sectors, namely Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Security (ALFS)

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IGAD Regional Strategy - Volume 1 - The Framework (En - Fr)
IGAD Regional Strategy – Volume 1 – The Framework (En – Fr)

The new IGAD Strategy provides the overall framework to guide IGAD in delivering its mandate.

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IGAD Regional Strategy - Volume 2 - Implementation Plan (En - Fr)
IGAD Regional Strategy – Volume 2 – Implementation Plan (En – Fr)

The Implementation Plan closely follows the structural framework of the Regional Strategic framework by utilising its pillars; programme areas; programmes/projects; and intervention areas.

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Whistleblowing Policy November 2021
Whistleblowing Policy November 2021

Intergovernmental Authority on Development Whistleblowing Policy

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Debtor Provisioning Policy November 2021
Debtor Provisioning Policy November 2021

Intergovernmental Authority on Development Debtor Provisioning Policy

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Cost Sharing and Indirect Cost Recovery Policy November 2021
Cost Sharing and Indirect Cost Recovery Policy November 2021

Intergovernmental Authority on Development Cost Sharing Policy

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Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Policy (AML/CFT)
Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Policy (AML/CFT)

Intergovernmental Authority on Development Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Policy

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Formulation de la Stratégie Régionale de l’IGAD et le Plan de mise en œuvre à moyen-terme 2016-2020 Etudes de référence …

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Roadmap and Results Framework of the Nairobi Action Plan
Roadmap and Results Framework of the Nairobi Action Plan


Strategy & Policy DocumentsDownloadstrategy-policy-documents
Trust-Based, Qualitative Field Methods A Manual for Researchers of Violent Extremism
Trust-Based, Qualitative Field Methods A Manual for Researchers of Violent Extremism

Trust-Based, Qualitative Field Methods A Manual for Researchers of Violent Extremism
