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- Create Date September 26, 2022
- Last Updated September 26, 2022
TEACHERS IN CRISIS CONTEXTS Promising Practices in Teacher Well-being, Management, and School Leadership Second Edition
This second compilation of case studies detailing promising practices in teacher well-being, teacher management, and school leadership was a truly collaborative effort. Numerous individuals from academia and civil society have dedicated considerable time and effort to select, review, and prepare the case studies in this publication.
First and foremost, the members of the Teachers in Crisis Contexts Case Studies Committee, Mary Mendenhall, Danielle Falk, Paul Frisoli, and Jeffery Dow all contributed to case study reviews and were pivotal in providing the vision for this compilation. They also helped authors prepare their drafts for publication and copyedited final drafts, with support from Richaa Hoysala, Michael McCarville, Jade Sheinwald, and Taylor Schulte of Teachers College, Columbia University. Jihae Cha and Andrew Armstrong were instrumental in organizing the call for case studies, communications, and coordinating the entire process from start to finish. Chris Henderson and Charlotte Berquin, the co-chairs of the INEE TiCC Case Studies Committee, oversaw the development of this publication from start to finish.