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  • Create Date October 19, 2023
  • Last Updated November 7, 2023

A PARTNERSHIP FOR PEACE: IGAD’s Regional Initiatives from 2018-2023

The partnership agreement between the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and partners composed of the Netherlands, Sweden, the EU and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), to support the IGAD Peace and Security Division, resulted in the formation of the partnership framework, IGAD Promoting Peace and Stability in the Horn of Africa Region (IPPSHAR). 

The partnership, which is part of an African-wide support to address the root causes of instabilities across the continent, follows a series of previous, similar, partnership arrangements between IGAD and the EU on peace and stability, and a number of other issues of common interest. This particular IPPSHAR fund aimed to support four specific objectives of IGAD’s Peace and Security Division (explained below). In this vein, the partnership has seen a number of specialised units within IGAD work with the IPPSHAR mechanism to deliver on the objectives. These units are: the Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (CEWARN); the Mediation Support Unit (MSU); IGAD Centre of Excellence for Preventing and 

Countering Violent Extremism (ICEPCVE); and the IGAD Security Sector Programme (ISSP). 

The collection of stories and essays presented here throw light on how this particular partner- ship agreement has delivered on the objectives in securing IGAD’s goals to guarantee stability and curtail transnational security challenges in the region. These stories are by no means exhaustive. The mandate and actions of IGAD, within and beyond the IPPSHAR framework, are widespread and cannot be conclusively captured in this collection. Rather, these stories bring to the fore details of how the IPPSHAR partnership frame- work has enabled and advanced the mandate of IGAD’s Peace and Security Division since 2018. As documents setting up the framework state, the agreement does not create new entities. Rather, it bolsters the efforts of existing units. 

As the stories collected here show, in the few years it has been in operation, IPPSHAR has lent considerable energy to meet the objectives of IGAD. 

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A Partnership For Peace, IGAD's reg'l initiatives from 2018-2023 -Oct 2023Download 
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