Transboundary Water Management

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World Oceans Day: IGAD Promotes Blue Economy Approach for Sustainable Development

June 8, 2024
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region has diverse socio-ecological landscapes, as well as a strategic edge on the Red…
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

Advancing Water Security in the IGAD Region.

March 22, 2024
Introduction The IGAD region, facing the critical issues of water scarcity and climate change, is advancing water security through the…
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

Enhanced Groundwater Management and Collaboration in the Horn of Africa

November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023 (NAIROBI, Kenya): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) yesterday concluded a three-day learning event that brought together…
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

IGAD and WFP Consult on Water Resource Management for Fragile Food Systems

June 1, 2023
May 31, 2023 (NAIROBI, Kenya): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in partnership with the World Food Programme, yesterday inaugurated…
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

Groundwater for Resilience in IGAD Region

May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023 (ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) yesterday inaugurated a three-day workshop for Regional Events:…
biodiversityExecutive SecretaryIGAD Blue EconomyThe Executive SecretaryTransboundary Water Management

Plastic Waste Management along Djibouti Coastal Cities

January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023 (DJIBOUTI, Djibouti): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), alongside Djibouti Blue Economy Sectors representative experts, concluded a…
IGAD on a Study Tour for Transboundary Aquifer Management
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Member Countries on a Study Tour for Transboundary Aquifer Management

May 16, 2022
May 16, 2022 (PRETORIA, South Africa): The Water Unit of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development today kick started a capacity…
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Looking into Ways of Better Exploiting Groundwater Resources

January 27, 2022
  January 27, 2022 (ENTEBBE, Uganda): The Executive Secretary of IGAD, Dr Workneh Gebeyehu, yesterday inaugurated the 2nd IGAD Water…
IGAD workshop in Uganda about water resources
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Holds A National Validation Workshop For Uganda On Knowledge Management And Capacity Building On Ground Water

July 7, 2020
07.07.2020 – Kampala (Uganda) – The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in collaboration with Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment…
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Ministers in Charge of Forestry Endorse a Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy

March 9, 2020
March 9, 2020 (DJIBOUTI, Djibouti): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) today convened a meeting for Ministers in Charge of…
IGAD member states meeting in Ethiopia
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Member States Consult on Integrated Management of Natural Resources

December 17, 2019
Dec. 17, 2019 (BISHOFTU, Ethiopia): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) this morning inaugurated a meeting with national experts and…
IGAD IN Djibouti
Agriculture and EnvironmentIGAD Land GovernanceTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Strengthens Project Management Capacities For Djibouti Drylands Project Focal Points

April 26, 2019
25-04-2019, Djibouti: The Deputy Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, Mr. Mohamed Moussa, today signed a Memorandum of…
Minister for water Simon, at Nairobi IGAD meeting
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Ministers Of Water Convene In Nairobi for Regional Water Resources Protocol

March 25, 2019
The Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Kenya, Hon. Simon presided over a meeting which gathered…
Kenya Uganda meeting for its water officials
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

Kenya and Uganda Cooperate on Trans-boundary Water Matters under IGAD Auspices

September 28, 2018
25-09-2018, Kisumu (Kenya): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) this morning opened the 3rd Sio-Malaba-Malakasi (SMM) Basin Stakeholders’ Consultative Meeting…
IGAD workshop for forestry policy in Nairobi
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

IGAD To Develop a Regional Forestry Policy and Strategy

April 24, 2018
24-04-2018, Djibouti (Djibouti): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) held an Inception Workshop for the Development of an IGAD Regional…
IGAD workshop in Djibouti
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Strengthens Project Management Capacities For Djibouti Drylands Project Focal Points

March 3, 2018
03-03-2018, Djibouti (Djibouti): A Results-Based Project Management (RBM) training was completed in Tadjourah (Djibouti) on February 28th for the Focal Points…
IGAD water resources officials in Croatia
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Member States Water Resources Officials on a Study Tour to Europe

September 29, 2017
27-09-2017, Zagreb (Croatia): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has organized a study tour to Europe that started today in…
IGAD and world bank partnership workshop
Agriculture and EnvironmentTransboundary Water Management

The Role of Groundwater in Drought Resilience in the IGAD Region

July 26, 2017
26-07-2017, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in partnership with the World Bank this morning opened a…
IGAD water resources committee meeting in Nairobi
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Enhances Trans boundary Water Governance and Cooperation among Member States

December 15, 2016
14-12-2016, Nairobi: The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) water resources programme today kick started…
IGAD-Sponsored Students Graduate from Mekelle University
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD-Sponsored Students Graduate from Mekelle University

October 18, 2015
Mr. Mohamed Moussa during his remarks Mekelle) Ethiopia, 18-10-2015: The Director of Agriculture and Environment Division (AED) of the Inter-governmental…
International Water Law Training for IGAD and Beyond
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

International Water Law Training for IGAD and Beyond

August 3, 2015
  Entebbe (Uganda), 03-08-2015: A three-day Regional Training on International Water Law (IWL) for improved transboundary water management in Africa,…
IGAD Inland Water Resources Management Programme ,Regional Training Course in Ethiopia
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD Closes its Water Resources Management Programme with a Key Regional Training in Addis Ababa

March 23, 2015
Henk Gijselhart, Capacity Building Expert- Technical Assistance INWRMP Addis Ababa, 23-03-2015: The IGAD Inland Water Resources Management Programme (INWRMP) launched…
ISARM- IGAD initiative launch in Ethiopia
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

IGAD region forms a Policy and scientific network for the Integrated Shared Aquifer Resource Management (ISARM)

March 21, 2010
UNESCO has initiated network Integrated Shared Aquifer Resource Management (ISARM) in many regions in the world.  In Africa there are…
Personal vehicle carrying luggage-HOAI
Economic CooperationInfrastructure ProjectTransboundary Water Management

About Horn of Africa Initiative (HOAI)

May 8, 2009
Horn of Africa Initiative (HOAI) This initiative originates from the European Union (EU) regional political partnership for peace and security…
Drylands of Kenya
Agriculture and EnvironmentNatural Resources & Renewable EnergyTransboundary Water Management

A Tour of IGAD Parliamentarians to the Drylands of Kenya

November 26, 2008
In October 20-26, 2008: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) facilitated…