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September 16, 2023 (ENTEBBE, Uganda): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Office (RSGA) convened a three-day round-table dialogue workshop for the Civil Society Organizations and Private Sector Institutions in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden arena. The workshop was also attended by the focal persons of the IGAD Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Taskforce. The objective of the workshop was to advance discussions on the potential roles of CSOs and Private Sector institutions in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. 

The workshop was presided over by Mr. Ali-Mirah Chehem Daoud, representing the Republic of Djibouti as Chair of IGAD; Amb. Julius. J. Kivuna, Head of the Department of Regional Peace and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Uganda; and Mr. Walter Ochanda, representing the IGAD Special Envoy for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden 

The workshop recognized the importance of Civil Society Organizations and Private Sector Institutions’ role in maximizing the numerous opportunities in the Red Sea and Gulf Aden arena. The role of civil society organizations and private sector institutions is important in sustaining regional cohesion, coordination, and cooperation. 

The CSOs and Private Sector Institutions representatives identified existing opportunities and partnerships primarily in the areas of regional cohesion, coordination, and cooperation for peace and security; maritime and terrestrial matters; socioeconomic development; as well as research, technology, innovation, and capacity building 

The workshop further underscored the vital and enormous beneficial contributions of CSOs and Private Sector Institutions and committed to establishing a network of private sector institutions and civil society organizations to utilize their collective wisdom and knowledge for increased appreciation and preservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden resources. 

The workshop generated key areas that will inform and shape IGAD’s Common Position and Regional Plan of Action on the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.  

Special appreciation is extended to the European Union for their sustained support to the IGAD Taskforce on the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden mandate.

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