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September 16, 2023 (ADAMA , Ethiopia): The IGAD Peace and Security Division conducted a workshop on Women’s Peace and Security Trends in the IGAD region for Member States Representatives and Staff. The vital workshop that underscored the IGAD’s commitment to peace, security, and gender equality, the recently concluded Workshop on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Trends in the IGAD region has left an indelible mark on the path toward regional stability and gender inclusivity.

The workshop provided a platform for high-level representatives and gender-focal persons to share concerns, discuss emerging trends, and deepen their understanding of WPS issues in the region. It highlighted the need for comprehensive discussions on WPS in the IGAD region, emphasizing the importance of engaging IGAD member states and the Peace and Security Division (PSD) officials.

In his opening remarks, the Peace and Security Division’s Director Hon. Siraj Fegessa stated that gender mainstreaming is not merely a mandate but a guiding principle embedded in our strategies, policies, and actions.

IGAD has long been dedicated to promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) in line with mandates from regional, continental, and global instruments. The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration, and other international agreements underscore this commitment.

The IGAD Gender Policy framework, Institutional Gender Policy, Regional Strategy, and Peace and Security Strategy all emphasize the need for systematic and sustained attention to GEWE through gender mainstreaming. It is within this context that the IGAD Peace and Security Division operates, striving to achieve and sustain good governance, peace, security, and stability in the region.

The workshop’s objectives aligned seamlessly with IGAD’s mission; providing updates to member states on WPS issues in the region while presenting the ongoing work on WPS interventions. Moreover, the workshop sought to promote a common understanding of WPS issues among IGAD and member states, update participants on PSD’s various programs, and foster greater collaboration between IGAD offices and focal points.

Reflecting on this recently concluded Workshop on WPS Trends in the IGAD region, it becomes evident that it was more than just an event—it was an important step toward a more peaceful, secure, and gender-inclusive future for the IGAD region. The workshop’s impact is expected to resonate in the region for years to come, promoting greater harmony, collaboration, and understanding.

The workshop was funded by the European Union (EU) through the IPPSHAR Programme being implemented in partnership with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

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