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13-09-2018, Addis Ababa: The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) yesterday concluded a two-day meeting with development partners within the framework of the Joint Financing Agreement (JFA) for the IGAD Strengthening Action Plan Working Group (ISAP) and the Peace and Security one in Addis Ababa.

The Director of Agriculture and Environment Division, Mr. Mohamed Moussa, co-chaired the ISAP Working Group on day one with the First Counsellor of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia and IGAD, Mr. Valjas Arto.

The ISAP discussions focused on a review of the implementation by IGAD of the recommendations agreed upon during the previous meeting and on the ISAP Progress Report, Work-plan and Budget for the IGAD Operational Plan 2018.

The development partners were also briefed on the functions of the newly expanded Planning & Coordination Section at IGAD Secretariat as well as the implementation status of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).

On day two, the Ag Director of Peace and Security Division, Ms Legawork Assefa, co-chaired the Peace and Security Working Group with the First Counsellor of the Embassy of Denmark to Ethiopia and IGAD, Mr. Jonas Helth Lønborg.

Discussions evolved around the same areas as for the ISAP Working Group. Furthermore, IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan, Ambassador Ismael Wais, and Special Envoy for Somalia, Dr Mohamed Guyo, gave brief overviews of the situations in those countries and recounted the efforts by the regional in bringing them back to normalcy.

The Working Groups concluded with consultations on the next gatherings to prepare for the Operation Plan 2019.

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