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26 November 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: The 4th Meeting of the Regional Consultative Process on Migration started today in Addis Ababa with an aim of creating a dialogue around refugees, IDPs and returnees to think of creative solutions to some of the migration challenges being experienced.

According to Ms. Caroline Njuki, the Regional Migration Coordinator at the IGAD Secretariat, the meeting will ultimately lead to a better protection and assistance regime for labor migrants, refugees, IDPs and returnees in the region.

Participants to the two-day dialogue are drawn from authorities of IGAD Member States including the ministries of interior, immigration, foreign affairs and justice. Others will come from civil society organizations working on displacement or with returnees. Development partners and other stakeholders in the sector are also expected to participate.

“We hope to generate recommendations both policy and practice for management of refugees, IDPs and returnee populations in the region,” points out Ms. Njuki, adding that the dialogue will contribute towards creating an enabling environment and commitment of the member states for the protection and assistance of this population as provided in the IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Brazille Musumba | Communications and Media Advisor | IGAD Secretariat |
E-mail: | Tel: +251.921.385.441

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