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13-10-2017, (Khartoum, Sudan): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) this morning inaugurated a National Consultative Workshop towards the development of the IGAD Protocol on Free Movement of Persons in the IGAD Region during a short ceremony presided over by the Minister of Interior of Sudan, Lieutenant-General Dr Hamid Hassan, in Khartoum.

Also, in attendance at the high table were the Director General of African Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan-Ambassador Mohamed Abdalla Idriss, IGAD Special Envoy to the African Union-Ambassador Abuzeid El Hassan, and the Head the European Union Delegation to Sudan- Ambassador Jean Michel Dumond.

This three-day workshop is aimed at getting inputs from national stakeholders and Experts on benefits and barriers to free movement of persons; deriving National Recommendations towards the Provisions of the Protocol and Developing a Road Map for the Negotiation and adoption of the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons in the IGAD Region.

This National Consultative Workshop is bringing together experts on migration and related themes as well as all national stakeholders from each of the Ministries and Authorities of Government, Civil Society Organizations, Academia, Private Sector and Media to contribute to effective migration governance.

Specific Objectives of the National Consultative Workshop are to gather information on benefits and barriers to free movement of persons in IGAD region and to generate national recommendations towards the Provisions of the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons in the IGAD Region.

Amb. Abuzeid speaking for IGAD Executive Secretary, reminded the audience that the IGAD Agenda on Migration Governance was intended to promote safe, legal and beneficial migration in this Region and Globally. He continued that the Republic of Sudan was “expected to provide to the IGAD Secretariat national recommendations towards a beneficial Protocol as well as ways in which this Protocol can be speedily concluded and adopted by IGAD Member States”.

“The IGAD Secretariat awaits your key recommendations on shared border management, international cooperation, managing transnational crime within a Free Movement Regime, supporting special groups like refugees and pastoralists, women and children, promoting trade, enhancing beneficial labour mobility to mention but a few”, he concluded.

The Minister of Interior assured of Sudan support to the process before declaring the workshop open.

IGAD has received a grant from the European Union Emergency Trust Fund with the intention of facilitating the establishment of a free movement regime within the IGAD region. This is aimed at promoting the regularization of the high volume of informal movement that currently takes place, and increase the opportunities for legal mobility.

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