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14-11-2018, Djibouti-Ville, Djibouti: IGAD under Health and social division has started implementing the Global Fund TB/HIV program in more than 50 refugee camps/settlement areas in the region since January 2017. One of the main component of this grant is strengthening and building the capacity of Health care providers through the provision of training prevention, early diagnosis and treatment and care of Tuberculosis and HIV infections.

Supporting the need of Somalia TB program, Somalia ministry of Health has submitted on training needs on TB diagnosis and treatment for cross –border health facilities in Somalia. Based on the Somalia Health gaps, IGAD provided special consideration on the request and approved to train 42 Health care providers across the 18 regions of Somalia with particular focus on the health care providers working at the health facility in the border points from 14th to 18th November 2018 in Djibouti. The training topics were as follows:

Treatment and recording/reporting: ( TB data management trainings eTB manager, Quant-TB and TB drugs and commodities supply management trainings);

  1. Diagnostic: Gene Xpert maintenance and calibration refresher trainings and LPA, DST and LIMS
  2. Program management: NTPs benchmarked visiting to neighboring countries

The training will be facilitated by IGAD health team along with 3 Somali Health professionals during that 5 days training.

Dr. Ahmed Hassan, HIV/Health senior advisor has officially opened the training and provided remarks addressing the need to achieve intended objectives of the training. He also underlined the need to serve Somalis TB cases with special consideration for migrant and cross border and mobile population.

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