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Request for Bids for Framework Agreement for Translation & Interpretation Services in Kenya

By August 3, 2017No Comments

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Regional Secretariat on Forced Displacement & Mixed Migration
Request for Bids for Framework Agreement for Translation & Interpretation Services in Kenya


Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) through its Regional Secretariat on Forced Displacement & Mixed Migration (RSFDMM) based in Nairobi plans to conduct a series of meetings, workshops as well the organization of various events. It also develops technical documents, reports and communication material that require adaptation into English / French language.

To meet such needs, having highly qualified professional English- French translation/interpretation service provider is vital.
IGAD intends to enter into a Framework Agreement (FA) with qualified and reputable services provider for duration of three years renewable based on performance and availability of funds. Other IGAD offices may join this FA.

IGAD therefore invites interested bidders (Translation/ Interpretation companies) in Nairobi, Kenya to send their offers for the proposed Framework Agreement.

To provide simultaneous interpretation services (English/French) during various meetings, conferences, workshops and other IGAD activities. Provide translation services (English/French) when needed.

Scope of Work
The Interpreters/Translators should provide high quality interpretation and translation services from/ to English-French. The Interpreters/Translators should ensure effective and efficient provision of services, full confidentiality in all aspects of assignment, management of information flow and follow-up on deadlines and commitments made. The contracted Translation Company is required to provide:

  1. Qualified translators for simultaneous translation from /to English – French
  2. Accurate text translation from /to English French for written documents, such as annual reports, technical documents, concept notes, etc.
  3. Provision of translation equipment’s.

A. Terms for Simultaneous Translation (Interpretation):-

  1. The translators/interpreters shall be available at the time requested by the concerned section. One working day is 8 hours excluding lunch hour. Interpreters may be requested/ expected to stay beyond the 8 hours schedules.
  2. IGAD will provide for accommodation and transportation of the interpreters in case of meetings held outside of Nairobi
  3. Translators and interpreters should be qualified and have previously participated in workshops. They should have good working experience in the field of translation.
  4. Translators /interpreters shall be in venue as per time schedules provided by IGAD
  5. The company should have back up /Standby translators incase of illness or accidents.

B. Terms for Text Translation:

  1. . Ensure that the translation text is technically, linguistically and grammatically correct, error free and it should meet high quality standards, and would not need further editing after completion of translation.
  2. Professional translation from/to English & French languages.
  3. Provide accurate and timely translation to the satisfaction of IGAD.
  4. Observe confidentially and refrain from divulging any information about the content of the text.
  5. Return the original of the documents to IGAD after completion of the services.
  6. Translation shall be done within the stipulated deadlines in the work order.
  7. Maximum percentage margin of errors per page should not be more than 3 errors.
  8. The translated materials should be provided to IGAD after completion of the required services in a hard copy and a soft copy.
  9. The documents translated remain the copyright of IGAD and should not be shared to any third party.
  10. Fees will be paid upon actual services provided and after getting the certification of the concerned officer and after submission of invoice for the payment.

C. Terms for Translation equipments:

  1.  Provision of translation equipment including “booths”
  2.  Booth to be provided on request of IGAD with 24 hours advance alert.
  3. Transportation cost is inclusive with the offer of provision in price list. No further payment will be made in all areas or any places inside Nairobi.
  4. Damage or loss of the equipment will be responsibility of the supplier.
  5. Equipment’s, microphones, booth, should be in good condition and providing clear sound.
  6. The company should install all equipment’s a day prior the event and to be well

Financial arrangements:
Payments will be disbursed in separate installments upon delivery of services and certification by IGAD that the services have been satisfactorily performed.

Profile of the successful applicants

• Advanced degree in translation from to English and French/ certification of proficiency in the language is an added advantage( could we also mention that)
• Minimum of 5 years experience
• Demonstrated experience in translating professional documents;
• Outstanding translation and editing skills in English and French;
• Experience in translating issues related to migration, development or related field will be an added value;
• Fully proficient in computer skills

Submission package:
Interested bidders should provide:

  •  Proposal demonstrating the company’s capability to undertake the work ( staffing , equipments, previous experiences, and similar tasks)
  • CVs of the proposed translators/ interpreters
  • The Financial Proposal should indicate the unit cost for translation (cost per word) for ordinary/urgent translation as well as the per person per day cost for the interpretation.
  •  Financial offers should be in US Dollar and valid for the whole duration of the Framework Agreement( 3 years)

    Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0800 to 1600 hours]
    Regional Secretariat for Forced Displacement & Mixed Migration
    1st Floor Jadala Place – Ngong Lane, Off Ngong Road
    P.O. Box 47824_00100, Nairobi , Kenya
    Tel +254780333954

Bids must be delivered in a written form (hard copies) to the address above. The deadline for submission is Monday August 21st 2017at 12:00 pm. Bids will be opened promptly after the deadline.

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