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In March 2017, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Special Summit on Durable Solutions for Somali Refugees and Reintegration of Returnees in Somalia adopted the IGAD Nairobi Declaration on Somali Refugees and the Nairobi Action Plan (NAP). IGAD was tasked to operationalize, follow-up and monitor the implementation of the commitments IGAD member states made which encompasses three key thematic areas: education, livelihoods and health. The launch of the IGAD Support Platform during the December 2019 Global Refugee Forum gives impetus to the Nairobi Process to follow up on the significant political commitments made by IGAD Member States during the Nairobi Summit.

The Kampala Declaration on Jobs, Livelihoods, and Self-Reliance adopted on 28th March 2019 committed IGAD member states to:

  • Advance livelihood opportunities and economic inclusion of refugees
  • Adopt the Plan of Action
  • Roll-out comprehensive national implementation roadmaps with a whole-of-society approach
  • Seek durable solutions for protracted displacement situations and address associated socio-economic challenges affecting refugees, returnees and host communities


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Kampala Declaration_IGAD flyer

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