IGAD Whistleblowing Form

1 Step 1

The aim of this form is to facilitate whistle-blower reporting as per the principles laid out in the Whistle Blowing Policy. This is achieved by creating reporting channels for effective and timely response and informing employees and non-employees about the steps to take. The reporting channels will also protect the whistle-blower against retaliation, while protecting the organization and employees against false or malicious allegations.

Select to report anonymously or non-anonymously:
What is the nature of the wrong-doing?
pick from options!

Please provide an address where you can receive the response from IGAD (For anonymity use any available email address that does not disclose your identity e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)

By reporting a wrong-doing, you declare the following

Warning: making any deliberately false or malicious allegations is a serious disciplinary offence, and also a civil or criminal offense, which may result in disciplinary or legal action against you.

Process after the reporting

Within 15 calendar days of a concern being raised, IGAD  will write to you with the following information

  • Acknowledgement that the concern has been received;
  • How IGAD proposes to deal with the matter;
  • Any initial enquiries made;
  • Any further information needed from you
  • Any further investigations that will take place
  • Estimated timeline to provide a final response.
  • If your report has been dismissed, the reasons for its dismissal.

If urgent action is required, it will be taken before any investigation is conducted.

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