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25-07-2018, Lukenya (Kenya): The Health & Social Development Division of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) today closed a three-day training and orientation workshop on the Needs Assessment for Health related Knowledge Management at IGAD Member States and regional organisation.

Together with the Knowledge 4 Health Project of Johns Hopkins University funded by USAID, IGAD trained staff members on Knowledge management and interview techniques in order to start a needs assessment at Member States’ health sector to gather information on knowledge management issues.

During the training, participants familiarized themselves with Knowledge Management, the methodology and instruments to be used during the needs assessment, and were also introduced to audio-recorded interviews techniques. The participants conducted mock interviews using recorders and agreed on the assessment schedule.

The objectives of the needs assessment are the following:

  • To learn what KM systems and governance platforms are already in place at IGAD—for health and beyond;
  • To identify who is responsible for KM in IGAD and for health KM among member states, their capacity/training needs to manage knowledge;
  • To learn about gaps in information/knowledge among cross-border health facilities and the Ministries of Health and other stakeholders/partners among member states


This initiative is funded by USAID which has engaged K4Health Project to provide technical support to strengthen the knowledge Management (KM) capacity in order to improve sharing and uptake of high impact health practices.

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