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May 29, 2024 (Entebbe, Uganda): IGAD is implementing a Blue Economy project that is premised on IGAD’s Blue Economy Strategy (2021-2025) and its implementation plan. The strategy guides the formulation and implementation of projects and programmes on Blue Economy development in the IGAD region. The implementation of the Blue Economy (BE) program has significantly enhanced knowledge generation in the IGAD region.

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), through its Blue Economy Unit, hosted a Blue Economy Website Validation and Knowledge Management Training as a result of the BE website that was developed by IGAD to enhance knowledge and information storage and dissemination in the BE areas.

Speaking at the opening session of the workshop, Dr. Eshete Dejen, Program Manager, AED Sustainable Environment Unit, on behalf of the Director of IGAD Agriculture and Environment, Daher Elmi, said that participants are meeting to exchange ideas and information because information is critical for development. During the implementation of the Blue Economy program in our Member States, knowledge has been generated and the three-day workshop is an opportunity to share the knowledge. We expect that at the end of the training, all Member States will prepare a brief on the knowledge that has been generated as well as the national case studies on BE. He concluded by thanking all member States for heeding the invitation to participate in the training.

Throughout the three days of the training, the trainer practically demonstrated to the participants the various functionalities of the website where they were introduced to the general overview, front, and backend of the website. It is also a web-based database that will manage Blue Economy information in the IGAD region such as publications and reports, case studies, manuals, policy documents, etc.

Mr Henry Nabbongo, the Ag. Commissioner Fisheries Resource Management and Development, Republic of Uganda, conveyed greetings from the Government of Uganda. He welcomed all participants to Entebbe, Uganda also emphasized that this is a new era of BE in the region where BE has a vast potential it offers a unique pathway to sustainable development, economic growth, and environmental stewardship. As we focus on the validation of the IGAD BE website, we are here to enhance our knowledge management frameworks. This platform is a beacon of collaboration and sharing of information and best practices. He concluded by expressing his to IGAD for organizing the workshop. He wished everyone productive sessions, enriching dialogues, and a memorable stay in Entebbe. With this, he declared the training officially opened.

The training will enhance awareness of the use of the IGAD Blue Economy website for knowledge management and below are its specific objectives.

  • Creating understanding and use of the various sections of the website to access the information shared.
  • Impart skills in creating content for the website including texts, videos, audio, and photos
  • Create awareness on how to undertake online campaigns and networking activities.

The three-day knowledge management training concluded successfully. The website will be used by the IGAD Blue Economy Member States and partners to access and share information and below are the key summary outcomes:

  • BE website of the knowledge management training launched as a hub for BE resources
  • Member States equipped on how to document process and disseminate knowledge
  • Best lessons identified and shared

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