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November 16, 2022 (JUBA, South Sudan):  The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) concluded the three-day workshop on National Coordination Mechanism on Migration in collaboration with the Government of South Sudan and provided recommendation to its National Aliens Committee (NAC), this evening, in Juba, South Sudan.

The key outcomes of the workshop are:

  • establishing a National Integrated Border Management Committee;
  • establishing and strengthening technical working groups; and
  •  enhancing the role of NAC to address the broader migration and development agendas.

In his closing remarks, Thomas Jap, Deputy Inspector General of Police, South Sudan National Police and Chair of the National Aliens Committee (NAC) said that the workshop deliberated on an important and timely agenda for South Sudan.

‘’We are ready to implement the recommendations provided by the National Aliens Committee (NAC). South Sudan is part of the global community and will work to meet the existing standards in managing migration”, he said.

In his closing remarks, the IGAD Migration Coordinator, Mr. Mujib Jemal, lauded the efforts of National Aliens Committee (NAC) and mentioned IGAD’s readiness to support in the implementation of the recommendations provided by the workshop.

Ambassador Nickson Deng, Co-chair of NAC, thanked IGAD for the continuous support and for organising the workshop in Juba. “We shall work closely with the region and our partners to enhance cooperation to address direct migration challenges, climate change induce human mobility in order to mitigate internal displacements, climate refugees and to lead the adaptation efforts of the government.” He added.

The end of the workshop resulted in actionable recommendations to support the ongoing better migration management efforts in South Sudan, and in future, to engage member states to better manage migration in the IGAD region. The workshops also identified potential areas of collaboration with different migration management actors and national, regional and international partners to build a common massage.


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