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Oct. 30, 2019 (JUBA, South Sudan): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the Ministry of General Education and Instruction of South Sudan, in partnership with UNHCR and the Commission of Refugee Affairs of South Sudan, organized a Validation Workshop, on 28-29 October 2019, in Juba, South Sudan.

The Meeting was attended by more than 100 participants representing the education sector and other line ministries and stakeholders including delegates from the regional states of South Sudan.

At the opening ceremony, senior representatives from the ministry of education, UNHCR, National Assembly and IGAD addressed the gathering and expressed commitment to support the implementation of the NERP.

The document under review covers the priorities of the Djibouti Declaration on education for refugees, returnees and host communities. Participants deliberated and adopted the following four major outcomes:

  1. Access to education for refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities for girls and boys
  2. Deliver quality learning in schools that target refugees, IDPs, returnees and host community children and increase learning outcomes;
  • Ensure that learning spaces are safe, protective and enable all children to learn and thrive;
  1. Ensure education coordination and M&E systems are strengthened

Speaking at the Opening Ceremony, on behalf of the Executive Secretary and of the Director for the Social Development Division, Dr. Kebede Kassa, Coordinator of the IGAD Education Programs, conveyed messages of solidarity and support to the Ministry of Education of South Sudan.

He also extended appreciation to the Government of Germany and GIZ for the financial support to sponsor the Validation Workshop. He was joined by Dr. Osman Bilail, Senior Health Expert at the Division of Social Development based in Khartoum, Sudan.

The National Response Plan will be a vital tool to accelerate the implementation of the Djibouti Declaration and the Addis Ababa Call for Action on education for refugees, returnees and host.

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