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GenderMediation SupportPeace and Security

Gender Responsive Training Workshop

By June 26, 2019June 18th, 2021No Comments

June 26,20119 (Mombasa, Kenya): The IGAD Mediation Support Unit in conjunction with the IGAD Gender Program and in collaboration with the African Centre for the Constructive resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), this morning kick-started a Gender Responsive training workshop for the IGAD Roster of Mediators.

The objective of the training workshop is to sensitize the roster members and experts on gender issues and concerns during mediation and peace building processes. Since the establishment of the Roster in 2014, the members have been engaged in various peace processes, including the South Sudan peace talks.

It is recalled that one-third of the mediators are women, which is in conformity with the requirements of the UNSCR 1325. Moreover, it was observed that the IGAD roster should continue to have experienced women who have supported peace processes as well as include those who have engaged in conflict prevention. Additionally, the roster members should have considerable knowledge and level of understanding of gender issues, roles of women in peace processes, and in particular in mediation and negotiations of peace agreements.

This workshop is conducted with the financial support of the IPPSHAR Programme of the European Union, managed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).


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