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September 26, 2024 () The Political Affairs and Peace building Unit  (PAP) of the Inter-governmental Organisation on Development (IGAD) under Peace and security Division (PSD) Concluded it’s annual governance forum experience sharing focusing on democracy, governance, elections, and human rights, thereby paving the way for gradual political integration of the region. The Meeting convened national human rights institutions, Election Management Bodies ,Anti-Corruption Institutions, Political parties council, Judiciary and foreign Affairs, With the aim to bring various stakeholders together as equals in discussions on public policy issues relating to Governance, Elections, the Rule of law, and Human Rights.

 The event was graced by the head of mission to the republic of Uganda Mme.Josleyn Bijirwa who welcomed the participants on behalf of the Executive secretary H.E Workneh Gebeyehu, and Ms. Ms. Jacqueline Wabyona, from Uganda Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The head of Political Affairs and Peace Building Dr. Aleu Garang  said There is a matter of fragility in terms of institutions and institutional building for countries emerging out of conflict, or countries that are building up from ashes of conflict. “the way we operate in IGAD is that the IGAD agreement, established in 1996, talks about the equality of member states”  he added.  So, in terms of whether member states collectively see themselves in better positions than others, what matters is that under IGAD they are all equal member states, there is equal votes. However, those who need a little bit more attention, the Secretariat makes sure that we create programs that promote institutional building and strengthening of national institutions.

Mr.Mohamed Mohamed Gass from Djibouti representing IGAD Chair reckoned the discussions highlighted concrete avenues and solutions for promoting lasting peace and greater trust within communities across the region. He recognized the commitment and determination of each and every who helped helped make this forum a space for collective learning, critical reflection and collaboration. Commending their participation having shown that, despite diversity, there is a share common goal: to strengthen governance in the service of peace, sustainable development and social justice in our different regions.

expressed his gratitude to IGAD and emphasized that “we are ushering in a new era of strengthened collaboration and shared governance, which each of us will return to our countries with new ideas, actions to undertake and a renewed determination to build a future of peace, prosperity and justice for all”

Some of the issues raised during the Experience sharing include; Armed Conflict and Insecurity; Terrorism and Violent Extremism; Weak Border Management and Law Enforcement; Resource Scarcity and Competition. From these challenges, the participants recommended the following interventions. Establishing Clear Policies and Legal Frameworks, Strengthening Institutions and Capacity Building, Promoting Transparency and Accountability, Enhancing Regional Cooperation and Coordination

Inconclusion; The mission of the PAP is to advance peace, security, and development by promoting democracy, good governance, credible elections, and genuine respect for human rights. It also aims to facilitate the harmonization of member states’ policies on democracy, management, and elections. Both are broad and have the potential for norm-setting, norm diffusion, norm implementation, and even monitoring the implementation of steps agreed upon and decisions taken by member states.

This activity was organised by IGAD Political Affairs and Peace building(PAP), and financially supported by Sweden fund.

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