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IGAD, UNMISS, RJMEC and CTSAMVM welcome and commend the 10th August 2021 resolution of the Presidency of the Republic of South Sudan reiterating its commitment to the implementation of the R-ARCSS and calling for inter alia;, the immediate cessation of hostilities within the SPLM/A-IO as well as the amicable resolution of the existing dispute. This proactive step is yet another manifestation of the capability of the leadership of the Republic of South Sudan to tackle the challenges and issues afflicting the country and of their resolve not to relapse to conflict.

Chapter Two of the R-ARCSS on the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements is the backbone of the Revitalized Agreement. The full implementation of the provisions of this section of the Peace Agreement without further delay, is expected to significantly reduce incidents of fighting and clashes throughout the country, and create an enabling environment for the implementation of the remaining Chapters of the R-ARCSS. Therefore, the unification and redeployment of the Necessary Unified Forces is an urgent priority and IGAD, UNMISS, RJMEC and CTSAMVM call upon the R-TGoNU to allocate and avail the required financial and material resources for this undertaking.

IGAD, UNMISS, RJMEC and CTSAMVM are ready and committed to provide support to the Parties to aid in resolving the extant challenges relating to the Transitional Security Arrangements and towards the timely and full implementation of the R-ARCSS. In this regard, IGAD, UNMISS, RJMEC and CTSAMVM have agreed to forge a closer working relationship with a view to coordinate and synchronize efforts towards a smooth transition to sustainable peace, prosperity and development in South Sudan.


13th August 2021

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