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The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), in collaboration with the European Union through Eurostat and the African Union via the African Union Institute for Statistics (STATAFRIC), proudly announces the launch of the first edition of the IGAD Statistics Yearbook, “Facts and Figures”. This landmark publication aims to harmonise regional statistics, providing a robust foundation for data-driven decision-making across the region.

At the launch ceremony, Deputy Executive Secretary H.E. Mohamed Abdi Ware highlighted the significance of the IGAD Statistics Yearbook as a dependable regional data resource. He emphasised that the Yearbook will facilitate harmonised statistics among member states, fostering regional integration, economic development, effective planning, and impactful programming.

Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for The National Treasury & Economic Planning, H.E. Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u, lauded IGAD for its scientific approach to data collection, analysis, and interpretation. He underscored the importance of informed policy decision-making at both regional and national levels and reiterated Kenya’s support for this vital initiative.

The launch event followed the 3rd Session of the IGAD Statistics Committee, which was officially opened and chaired by Mr. Barkadleh Miguil, Deputy Director General of the Institute of Statistics of Djibouti. The session saw participation from key figures including the Director General of the Ethiopia Statistics Service, the representative of the Director General of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the Deputy Director General of the Somalia National Bureau of Statistics, the representative of the Chairperson of the National Bureau of Statistics of South Sudan, the Director General of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Sudan, the representative of the Executive Director of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, IGAD Secretariat Staff, and representatives from AU STATAFRIC, Statistics Norway, UNECA, PAS II Programme, and AfDB.

On the second day, the 3rd Session of the IGAD Statistics Committee concluded successfully, marking significant progress in the implementation of the IGAD Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics. The participants engaged in fruitful discussions on achievements at both national and regional levels, focusing on strengthening the IGAD Regional Statistics System to ensure it continues to provide reliable and comprehensive data supporting regional development initiatives.

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