2ND IGAD Water Forum
The IGAD Secretariat, in collaboration with its Member States and Development Partners, is organising the 2nd IGAD Water Forum to take place in Entebbe, Uganda from 25th to 27th October 2022.
The theme of this year’s Forum is: Groundwater for resilience. It will be discussed under four sub-themes namely: 1) Groundwater for Peace and Stability , 2) Groundwater for Climate Change and Drought Resilience, 3) Groundwater for Socio-economic Development , 4) Innovation in groundwater financing and Technological Development and 5) Capacity Building in Groundwater
The Forum will provide an opportunity to IGAD Member States, stakeholders, private sector and development partners to discuss groundwater and its role in the sustainable development of the region. It will also provide an opportunity to create synergies among ongoing and planned water-related projects and programmes. It will further provide an avenue for policy makers, technical experts, private sector actors, civil society organisations etc to contribute to the development of an IGAD Ground water programme that is aligned to the overall mandate and strategy of IGAD. The forum will also showcase investment opportunities, new and emerging innovations in groundwater development and management.
Due to prevailing COVID-19 protocols the Forum will blend between face-to-face and virtual online event.
The Forum will feature Key Note Speakers, panel discussions, paper presentations and side events. A training session will also be held for young Professionals
Participation is open to IGAD Member States, academic and research institutions, civil society organisations, private sector, other Regional Economic Communities, and development partners.
Important Dates:
Deadline for receiving final abstracts and full papers: 30 November 2021,
Deadline for registering to attend the event physically: 30 November 2021
Opportunities are available for paper presentations, capacity building, and exhibitions.
Submit Abstract Form below