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07-06-2018, Djibouti (Djibouti): The Health & Social Development Division of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) this morning finalised discussions on a road map  towards the establishment of a Regional Migration Fund (RMF) aimed at supporting migrants, refugees, host communities in the IGAD region with members of a mission from the German Development Bank (KfW) led by Ms Stefanie Klappenbach (Senior Project Manager) and accompanied by Claudia Bürkin (Head of Division) and Andreas Holtkotte (Director Regional office). KfW, on behalf of the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development assists IGAD to prepare the RMF and to propose it to the German government for its potential funding.

IGAD Executive Secretary, H.E. Amb (Eng) Mahboub Maalim, signed the Aide-memoire for the regional organisation as a sign of high level commitment to the exercise and demonstration of appreciation.

The objective of the RMF is to reduce irregular migration and to find solutions for protracted displacement situations in the region. Once in place, it will contribute to the improvement of the living conditions and economic opportunities for migrants, refugees and host communities and to strengthen social cohesion.

The RMF is expected to finance measures (primarily catalytic economic but also social infrastructure and other measures promoting economic development) to improve living conditions and economic opportunities for migrants, refugees and host communities and to strengthen social cohesion.

It has been found that existing migration/displacement programmes either provide humanitarian assistance or address migration as a security issue, by supporting border controls. In addition to these approaches, it appeared necessary to address the structural and acute factors that drive migration and to include components to promote positive mobility. Traditionally, not many programmes support (economic) opportunities in the context of migration or mobility. It is so expected that the RMF will address these gaps.

IGAD appreciated the results of the meeting and the concept of the RMF, which is envisaged to be owned and implemented by the IGAD Secretariat and with strong involvement of IGAD’s member states.

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