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10.02.2020 – Entebbe (Uganda) – The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Mediation Support Unit (MSU) is convening a 5-day training for over 35 Roster Experts from the IGAD region to enhance their capacity on effective mediation processes, process design, and effective negotiation and mediation skills in Entebbe, Uganda.

The Roster of technical Experts is one of the key structures developed by MSU to enhance the Normative capacity of IGAD and that of its Member States.

The training is expected to explore terminologies, concepts, context and work of mediation structures discussing at length the relevant international and continental legal instruments, guidelines, and good practices on preventive diplomacy and mediation as well as peace and security.

During the opening session the A.g. Director of MSU Dr. Aleu Garang highlighted that the maiden training with the roster experts is to equip them as regional experts on mediation should they be called upon.

“Our being here is to get you ready and be “on the go’ should the region require of your skills, experience and expertise. The IGAD region and Africa as a whole need mediation for regional peace at regional and local levels” Dr. Garang went on to say.

The participants will through the training be able to identify and employ mediation tools in the different phases of a mediation process to deal with spoilers and deadlocks and also be able to identify and employ tools to get to successful peace agreements, including the design of an inclusive peace process and gender specific elements.

The workshop aims to provide an opportunity for the technical experts to share their experiences, best practices and lessons learned in mediation, peace building and mediation support structures.

Preventive diplomacy and mediation remain and continue to be key components of the MSU in order to support activities for capacity development, development and dissemination of mediation guidelines, guidance, exchange of lessons learned and best practices in conflict prevention, peace-building, democracy, good governance, human rights and elections.

The training is being funded by the European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) through the IPPSHAR Programme and being facilitated Ms Florence Mpaayei, a consultant with Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations.

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