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December 3-4, 2024 (Mombassa, Kenya): The Peace and Security Division, in collaboration with the IGAD Gender Unit, kicks off the two-day Workshop on promoting the IGAD RAP and Gender strategy to the IWPSF (IGAD Women Peace and Security Forum) board members of IGAD Member states; practical follow-up on the implementation of RAP.

Opened by Mrs. Amina Farah, Program Manager at the Seretariat’s Gender Unit, this workshop aims for IWPSF to fulfil its monitoring function for NAPs (national action plans) and RAP (regional action plans) in the IGAD region. During these two days, the board members drafted and adopted a reporting template for IWPSF members to report on the implementation of NAPS and RAPs, and elected a chair, vice-chair and secretary for the future work of the IWPSF board to work closely with IGAD.

During day one, in groups, the participants revised the minutes and outcomes of the latest IWPSF board meeting, emphasising selected indicators and the road map; this is a follow-up from the previous meeting, guided by the Division’s Gender Officer. An officer from the Gender Unit presented the Draft IGAD Regional Action Plan Reporting Template and later split the delegates into groups to review and adopt the final template that will guide Member States when reporting.

At day two of the Workshop, valuable reflections were shared on the IWPSF Strategic Plan by representatives from IGAD Member States. Prior to the IWPSF elections for the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary of the Board, board members reviewed the Terms of Reference and Standard Operating Procedures for the elected positions, and nominated candidates for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. The nominees presented their visions for the future of IWPSF. The Gender Manager then guided the Board through the election process.

The IWPSF Board members nominated candidates for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. The nominees presented their visions for the future of IWPSF. The gender Program Manager then guided the Board through the election process.

A transparent and inclusive election process was undertaken with vote casting, counting and tallying. The workshop was concluded with celebrations as the new Chair Mrs. Sadia

Mohamed Nur from Somalia, Vice CHAIR. Mrs. Amer Manyok Deng from South Sudan and Secretary Hon. Dora Byamukama from Uganda were announced. They promised to work collaboratively in advancing the IWPSF agenda.

This workshop is supported by the Government of Sweden through Sida.

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