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August 30, 2024 (ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (GAD), in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and GIZ has convened a technical Regional Review meeting on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular migration in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The overall objective of the IGAD technical regional review meeting on GCM is to provide a platform for Member States and all relevant stakeholders to assess the implementation of the GCM and to provide valuable input for the forthcoming Africa Continental Review on 8-10 October 2024 and the subsequent International Migration Review Forum in 2026.

Speaking, on behalf the IGAD Executive Secretary Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, Madam Fathia Alwan, Director of Health and Social Development highlighted that the Global Compact provides a framework that aligns with our regional priorities and aspirations, as identified in the IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework and the revised IGAD Migration Action Plan.

“I wish to highlight some progresses that have been made across the IGAD region to advance the implementation of the Global Compact, the adoption of the IGAD protocols on free movements of persons and transhumancethe 2nd  is  the establishment of the Regional Migration Data Technical Working Group, the 3rd  is the operationalization of the IGAD Migration Fund,  the 4th  is the adoption of the Kampala Ministerial Declaration on Migration, Environment, and Climate Change Capacity Building in 2022 and the 5th  is policy development,” madam Fathia explained.

Mrs. Hasna Omar Fara Representative of IGAD chair and National Coordination Mechanism, Republic of Djibouti, in her part described that Djibouti set up a national office for migration in july2021, to facilitate dialogue and coordination between all stakeholders working in the field of migration, but also to set up an effective management of migration.

“We are aware that the mission a head of us is immense for safe, orderly and regular migration in our beautiful region. We must work hand in hand to meet this challenge.”

Dr. Abdi Hersi Senior regional policy and liaison officer, International Organization for Migration (IOM) noted that IOM is committed to supporting its Member States in the implementation of their GCM commitments.

“We look forward to working with all partners, the UN system, the African Union Commission, IGAD and the Economic Commission for Africa in the lead up to the next regional review 2024 and the International Migration Review Forum in 2026.” He added.

In his remarks, Mr. Markus Hein, First Secretary, Regional Officer for Refugees and Migration, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, underscored Germany’s unwavering commitment to supporting IGAD in its endeavor to foster regional integration as a route to peace and prosperity for the region.

In addition, he described that Migration is a key aspect of regional integration: most migration in Africa is intra-African and mostly regional in nature.

“The GCM, which Germany helped negotiate, is a milestone in a shared international understanding of how migration works. However, GCM implementation is key, the details matter. IGAD and AU are doing commendable work in facilitating the implementation of key GCM objectives. Against this background, I believe that the IGAD Regional Review can serve an important role in making such progress.” Furthermore Mr. Markus emphasized.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Abriham Ayalew, Secretary of the National partnership Coalition, as a host country disclosed that since the IGAD region is at the hub for complex human mobility which is characterized by mixed and irregular migration, the GCM offers important opportunity for member states to address all aspects of their migration governance in a comprehensive manner.

Mr. Abriham also reminded that Ethiopia formally launched the implementation of GCM in 2019, as a source, transit and destination country for migrants, played key role in the GCM process from the inception to the development and its adoption.

Subsequently, The two days IGAD technical regional review meeting on Global Compact from 29-30August,2024 resulted in providing  a platform for Member States and all relevant stakeholders in assessing the implementation of the Global Compact  and  provided valuable input for the forthcoming Africa Continental Review on 8-10 October 2024 and the subsequent International Migration Review Forum in 2026.

The IGAD Regional Review  brought together government representatives namely from the National Coordination Mechanisms ,  the Ministry of Interior, Labor, National Statistic Agency, Foreign Affairs,  IOM, GIZ,  UNICEF and  IGAD staffs.

Budget for the consultation workshop financed by GIZ

Finally, Regional Review meeting on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular migration, concluded successfully, in providing  the Regional Reviews 2024 recommendations for enhancing GCM implementation in the IGAD region and by closing a remark delivered by IGAD, Djibouti as a chair, IOM and Ethiopia as a host country.

It is to be recalled that the IGAD has engaged its member states to implement some of the GCM 23 objectives namely in the areas of migration governance, addressing the drivers of migration including climate change, migration data, access to basic services, inclusion and social cohesion, skills development and mutual recognition, remittances, political processes/mediation for peace and security, regular pathways and fair recruitment and decent work. The realisation of IGAD Protocol on Free Movement of Persons and the IGAD Protocol on Transhumance are major developments in the region that advance GCM implementation in the IGAD region.

IGAD press end

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