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WE the Heads of State and Government on the occasion of the 12th IGAD Summit

Concerned about the worldwide escalating food prices since the beginning of the year, leading to some major food exporting countries to cutback on food exports to the region due to high fuel prices,

Noting the continued vulnerability of the region in food security and drought,

Noting with regret the occurrence of food riots in a number of African countries,

Convinced that the current food crisis is a transient one caused largely by high prices of oil and conversion of food to bio-fuels, climate change, inappropriate agricultural policies, low levels of production, poor soil management, lack of access to markets, and conflicts;

Recalling the decision of the African Heads of State and Government at the 2003 AU Maputo Summit to increase investments in agriculture to at least 10 percent of national budgets,

Appreciating the steps taken  by the international community to address the current food crisis, including US$ 1.2 billion earmarked by the World Bank  as a rapid financing facility,

Recalling further the recent Declaration from the World Food Forum held on 3-6 June 2008 in Rome, Italy.

NOW RESOLVE as follows:

  1. To enact policies towards sustainable food production and elimination of post harvest losses including preservation and storage.
  2. To enhance drought and climate change monitoring as well as  early warning systems in support of sustainable agricultural production and food security;
  3. To encourage the exchange and dissemination of food information for regional and distant markets and develop policies that will enhance cross-border food movements between IGAD Member States.
  4. Increase surveillance and vulnerability analysis of potential food security hotspots.
  5. Call upon the international community to assist IGAD member states in availing humanitarian resources and social protection to vulnerable populations.
  6. Call upon the IGAD Partners to support national and regional medium to long-term agricultural development programmes to enable farmers boost food production.
  7. Commence the process of establishing a regional emergency reserve fund/facility in line with the Agreement Establishing IGAD.

Establish a Ministerial task force coordinated by the Chairman of the IGAD Council of Ministers, to ascertain within a period of one month the emergency food aid requirements of the region and make international appeal for assistance and take any other necessary measures to alleviate the crisis.

Done at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 14th June 2008.

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