Website IGADsecretariat IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD)
IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD)
Assignment Title:
Consultancy to Undertake Comprehensive Assessment of Policies and Strategies addressing Climate Change and Climate Variabilities, and mapping of risk hotspots considering socio-economic and other infrastructures in Cluster III (Ethiopia-Kenya-Somali cross-border)
The IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) in conjunction with the Regional livestock program, funded by SDC focusses on improving the productivity, competitiveness, and policy enabling environment for one camel milk and four livestock trade corridors. These are the domestic camel milk corridor of Wajir/Garissa in Kenya, and the livestock trade corridors of Tog Wajaale in Ethiopia and Somalia /Somaliland; Moyale in Ethiopia and Kenya; Galkayo in Ethiopia and Somalia; and Afmadow in Kenya and Somalia.
Overall objective of the Assignment
To Undertake comprehensive assessment of Policies and Strategies addressing Climate Change Variabilities and facilitate validation of the findings for harmonization and subsequent domestication at sub national levels.(The Detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs) are attached to this REoI).
The Selection shall be by IGAD Procurement Procedures. The IGAD now invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the subject consultancy services. Interested qualified applicants should send letters Expressing their Interests, updated Curriculum Vitae, and Copies of academic and work experiences.
Qualifications, Competence, Skills and Knowledge
Academic Qualifications
Master’s Degree in climate sciences and environmental sciences, or closely related field.
Work Experience and Competencies
- Ten (10) years of relevant work experience on issues related to
climate change, climate risk, vulnerability and risk reduction, mapping of risk hotspots and capacity development; - Experience in development work in the area of climate change,
natural resources management, and related issues; - Familiarity with policy dialogues and advisory functions involving
government counterparts and other stake-holders; - Good knowledge and understanding of the global debate on
climate change; - Experience in working, reviewing and development of policies, strategies and agreements related to climate change variabilities
- Understanding of the IGAD region.
Other Experience/ Knowledge / Abilities.
- Experience working with regional and international organization (s), including INGOs, bilateral or multilateral agencies, UN agencies is desirable;
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to deal with technical, and people management challenges;
- Verbal and written communication skills in English.
Selection criteria
Selection criteria are relevant education background; relevant work experience (as described above); good track record in delivering similar assignments; experience working in the IGAD region; relevant publications on climate change , among others
Further information can be obtained by writing to the e-mail addresses below during office hours 0800 to 1600 hours EAT:
Expressions of interest must be sent to the addresses: ,no later than 21st September 2024, 4:00 p.m.( E.A.T)
Beverlyne Nyanchera
Procurement Expert
T + 254 737 777 742 M + 254 724474346
IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD)
Kabete Vetlabs, Kapenguria Road, Off Waiyaki Way
Box 47824 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Download attached ToR document in PDF below.
TOR-Policies and strategies -climate change final (2) (1)
To apply for this job email your details to