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Background and Context

The IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) is a holistic and comprehensive plan aimed at building the resilience of vulnerable communities to the effects of recurrent droughts in the IGAD region. IDDRSI arose from a collective decision made in 2011 by IGAD Member States, Development Partners, implementing agencies, and other actors and stakeholders committed to the objective of expeditiously ending drought emergencies in the Horn of Africa region. The implementation of IDDRSI started immediately after this decision was made and has progressed through different interventions on various fronts and to different extents under the general leadership and coordination of the IGAD Secretariat. Guided by a common IDDRSI strategy, the efforts to end drought emergencies have involved the concerted promotion and execution of policies, programmes and coordinated actions throughout the IGAD region, supported within a framework of enhanced international partnership, aligning humanitarian interventions with long-term development investment.

IGAD received a multi-year capacity development to Strengthen the Coordination and Implementation of the IDDRSI (SCII) project supported by the Government of Sweden since October 2019. The project’s first phase was implemented from October 2019 to March 2023. The Second phase of the project began in April 2023 for a period of two years.

IGAD provided continuous capacity development to experts of its Member States through the SCII. During Phase 1 of the project, the following key achievements were made:

  • A result-based management was successfully introduced in all seven Member States. As a result, the key indicators for monitoring the mainstreaming and implementation of CPPs in the National Development Plans in all the countries were identified for eight IDDRSI priority intervention areas (PIAs). Based on the CPPs indicators, relevant indicators for the Regional Programming Paper and the IDDRSI Result frameworks were identified, which will link data collection at the country level with the regional level. The foundation of this work was the establishment of the National Experts Panels (NEP) in all Member States, which was achieved in 2020. The members of the NEP increased over time through consultation with agencies and ministries that were not active in the IDDRSI activities but undertaking resilience projects in their domains. Currently, there are a total of 186 (130 males, 56 females) NEP members in the region. This milestone allowed the formation of an expert group represented by all IDDRSI implementing ministries and agencies along eight Priority Intervention Areas and essential supporting agencies, such as Planning and Finance and the National Bureaus of Statistics.
  • Alignment of CPPs with the National Development Plans, using the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) through a participatory process, was the first step in developing the Country Programming Papers (CPPs) M&E framework, which is one of the gaps during Phase 1 of IDDRSI. The initial mainstreaming of the CPP elements was carried out through linkages at multiple layers.

The mainstreaming of the CPPs M&E Plan has reached an advanced stage by filling the baseline and targets for most countries, critical elements for result-based reporting.

In this regard, IGAD wishes to hire an individual consultant for baseline data and targeting setting for country programming papers of the IGAD drought Disaster and sustainability initiative.


The overall objective of this assignment is to generate baseline data for eight Priority Intervention Areas of Country Programming Papers in Djibouti, Somalia, and South Sudan.  Moreover, the assignment will set feasible targets through a participatory discussion with key stakeholders in each country.

The specific objectives for the consultants are as below:

  1. To generate baseline data per indicator outlined in the CPPs monitoring and evaluation frameworks of CPPs of targeting countries.
  2. To establish targets for performance indicators at the mid-term of the CPPs and the end of implementation of the current phase of CPPs.
  3. Improve indicators in the result framework and M&E Plan for each outcome for all target countries.
  4. To develop data collection formats/templates for CPPs in each country that cover outcomes of all PIAs.


A methodology to define baseline data and target for a programming framework such as the Country Programming Papers that has multiple priority interventions and is delivered by dozens of projects requires a tailor-made methodology to address all outcome areas of the eight Priority.


The assignment is for 25 days and will be spread over two months (60 days) starting from the date of signing a contract with IGAD.

Required Qualifications, Experience and Skills

Interested Individual Applicants should possess the following qualifications and experience. Please apply only to one of the three targeted countries. These are Djibouti, Somalia and South Sudan. Applications for more than one country are not acceptable.

Education qualifications

  • Sc. or PhD in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation. Combined specialisation in the above fields would be an advantage.

Experience and Skills

  • Minimum ten years’ experience designing, implementing, managing and coordinating baseline surveys/research/assessment/etc.
  • The consultants should have excellent academic and research backgrounds and have a proven record of accomplishment in conducting similar assignments.
  • Research experience on resilience at community, national, and regional levels; institutional capacity development; gender mainstreaming, food security, partnership, designing M&E systems for projects and programmes,
  • Experience in designing and monitoring multi-sectoral programmes and strategies.
  • Experience of the IGAD Region.

The Selection shall be by IGAD Procurement Procedures. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) now invites interested and eligible consultants who are members of the IGAD member states to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the above assignment. Detailed Terms of Reference will be shared with shortlisted consultants.

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from Sunday to Thursday 7:30 am to 2:30 pm local time, or by email from  with copies to

  • Please note that at this stage no Proposals whether Technical or Financial are requested.


The consultant should submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) and Curriculum Vitae (s) to: Copy to not later than Tuseday 17, September 2024 at 23:59 Hrs. EAT (GMT+3).

  Procurement Unit

   Administration and Finance

IGAD Secretariat

Avenue Georges Clemenceau


P.O. Box 2653,

Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti

Download attached ToR document in PDF below.

30-06-24_ToR_Baseline and Target Setting_Final (1)

To apply for this job please visit

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