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By September 7, 2017No Comments


1. Background

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has been engaged in important peace and security matters related to the region. The IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government held on 29th October, 2008 in Nairobi Kenya decided to set up the IGAD Somalia Facilitation Office /IGAD Special Mission to Somalia as a mechanism to support the re establishment of a stable and functioning government in Somalia and to help monitor the implementation of the Somali peace agreements.

IGAD Special Mission to Somalia is mandated to support the Federal Government of Somalia in its endeavor to build peace security and stability through a process of national reconciliation and to coordinate the efforts in the area of institutional capacity building process. By indicating this mandate conducting a capacity building training for the officials and experts of the Federal and Regional Governments of Somalia will contribute significantly to the successful peace, stabilization and institutional building process in Somalia

Currently, the office is implementing a project “supporting state formation, political dialogue and a peaceful political transition in Somalia”. The project is funded by the European Union. The objective of the project is to contribute for the completion of the State Formation process and political dialogue in Somalia. As part and parcel of this project the office is planning to conduct a short term capacity building training for Somalia experts and officials on Strategic Planning and Policy Formulation.
Therefore IGAD Special Mission to Somalia is looking for institutions/individuals that can provide Capacity Building Training for Somalia officials and experts on Strategic Planning and Policy formulation

2. Objective Scope and Methodology of Work

2.1. Objectives

The main objective of this Capacity Building training is to support/ equip the officials and experts of Somalia with the necessary skills and knowledge’s on system development in post-conflict and reconstruction development agendas.
The Specific key objective of the training includes:
– Building the capacity of the participants on strategic planning and policy formulation processes
– Strengthening the skills and capacities of delegated officials to conduct context analysis of the post-conflict situation in their institutions and exercise different institution &system development, policy formulation and strategic planning approaches;
– Building the participants knowledge and skills to analyze their institution context, envision policy formulation and draw plans for their policy formulation framework;
– Enhance skills of participants to apply the learning objectives in their work on the long term using creative methodologies;
– Enhance participants’ capacities to evaluate their training programs

2.2. Scope

The required type of contract and service is a short term capacity building training .The training session will involve approximately 35-40 participants for five days and the training should be crafted underlining the post-conflict situation by enabling trainees to apply what they have learned in their work, and tackle issues such as challenges promoting institution building and system development.
The lead consultant will work with an assistant trainer to design, deliver, and report on the training. He or she is expected to transfer technical skills and practical knowledge to officials and experts of Somalia. The training courses will be mainly on Strategic Planning and Policy development/formulation process and also concepts of institution and system development will be addressed.

2.3. Methodology

The training methodologies will be based on adult-oriented, participatory learning approaches. The trainers will undertake pre- and post-course assessments in order to provide feedback on the learning outcomes. Upon completion of the training session, a comprehensive progress report will be submitted to the client. A certificate of achievement will be issued to participants who have completed the training sessions satisfactorily. The training shall be conducted in English and Somali language will be an asset

3. Qualification of trainers

The following skills and knowledge are necessary to carry out the training:
• Appropriate Masters Degree qualification in public administration, public policy, or any other related field expertise will be required;
• Minimum of 10 years experience in designing and implementing relevant training courses for the lead consultant
• Minimum of 7 years experience in designing and implementing relevant training courses for the assistant trainer
• Technical expertise in the subject areas and ability to deliver the training in a professional manner
• Knowledge and experience of the IGAD region specifically Somalia
• Excellent communication skills, in particular facilitation and presentation skills
• Excellent command of English (spoken and written)
• Extensive experience in strategic planning, policy development, institution & system development
• Ability to write reports on the training outputs
• Prior training experience on the mentioned subject matter
• Flexibility to unforeseen situations i.e. changes in schedules;
• The Training shall be conducted in English; Somali language will be an asset;

4. Output/ Deliverables

• Training presentation slides (before the training)
• Training program (before the training)
• Report of the training (after the training)

5. Time frame

The training is planning to takes place from 9 -13 October 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya with specific place to be determined.

6. Requirement and Application Process

6.1. Interested institutions and qualified individuals are required to submit:

• Profile of their institutions and sample of credentials;
• Detailed Curriculum Vitiate (Both lead and assistant trainers)
• Technical Proposal (Concept Note) with detail course outline
• Financial Proposal (Daily rate for both lead and assistant trainers)

6.2. How to Apply?

Application should be sent to: and CC to .

Please indicate: “Capacity Building Training “on the subject line of your email.
Shortlist applicants will be contacted within one week after the closing date. This application shall be closed after 15 days of its announcement.

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