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06-08-2016, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in conjunction with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) this morning kick-started a three-day training workshop for three IGAD Member States in Addis Ababa.

The members of the IGAD Water Resources Management Programme Technical Advisory Committee from Djibouti, Somalia, and South Sudan are participating in this training.

The objective of this training is to further the knowledge on International Water Law and Hydro-diplomacy for the participants.

The need to build capacity for members from these three Member States was identified during the last TAC Meeting, according to the Programme Manager of Water Resources and Renewable Energy-IGAD, Mr Daher Elmi.

“This is an in-house training where IUCN is providing technical assistance for this training workshop. And it is meant to make sure that all IGAD Member States have the same level of understanding”, said John Owino, sitting for IUCN.

This is not the first kind of a training for IGAD Member States in the subject matters, as shown by the below links to previous stories.###

Related stories:

International Water Law Training for IGAD and Beyond

Entebbe (Uganda), 03-08-2015:

IGAD Water Officials on Hydro-diplomacy Training

Naivasha (Kenya), July 07, 2015:

The Second IGAD Training Workshop on International Water Law Concluded today

Kampala, January 15, 2015:

First Training Course on International Water Law and Policy Opened in Kampala

Kampala, UGANDA, 25-06-2014:


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