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Procurement Notice: Procurement Software

By March 24, 201559 Comments

Procurement Notice

IFB NO.:  IGAD/IFB/05/15

1. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) invites eligible and capable Bidders to bid for the supply and implementation of Procurement Software.

2. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language is available both in hard and soft copy to send to interested bidder in the IGAD Region.

3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from IGAD Procurement Unit and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below up to 31st March 2015.

4. Interested eligible bidder can obtain soft copy of the bid document free of charge upon e-mail request addressed to the e-mail address below.

5. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in the form of certified cheque or a bank guarantee of 2% of the total bid, valid at least for 60 days after closing date of the bid.

6. The bids must be submitted in two separately sealed envelopes. One envelope should contain the technical proposal and clearly marked ‘Technical Proposal’. The other should contain the financial proposal and clearly marked ‘Financial Proposal’.

7. The complete bid documents must be sealed and clearly marked “Tender for supply and implementation of Procurement Software and delivered or submitted by courier to the following address on or before 12:00pm, 30th April, 2015. Late bids will be rejected.

Administration and Finance

Procurement Unit

IGAD Secretariat

Avenue Georges Clemenceau

P.O.  Box 2653

Tel: +253-21354050 /21312737


Djibouti, Rep. of Djibouti

8. Bids will be opened by IGAD Tender Committee as per IGAD Procurement and Grants Manual applicable from 12 July 2012 and revised on 31st March 2014.

9. Any request for clarification should be addressed to the following address:

E-mail: with copy (cc.) to



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