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The Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, H.E. Meles Zenawi, has paid a visit to the IGAD Secretariat in Djibouti.

The Prime Minister, who is also the chairman of IGAD, recognized the “effective work” of the organization and thanked the staff for their dedication. Reassuring the support of the Member States, the Chairman of IGAD commended the support of the IGAD from development partners.

“We are also very happy with our partners from the IPF for their support of IGAD programs,” said the Prime Minister. “Not only in the peace processes in which IGAD was very actively involved in but also in diplomacy. I also like to thank all those who supported IGAD as a whole and the Secretariat in particular.”

The Prime Minister thanked on behalf of IGAD the Republic of Djibouti for hosting the Secretariat.

The Executive Secretary of IGAD, Eng. Mahboub Maalim, who welcomed the Prime Minister to the Secretariat, introduced the new Directors of the organization. “We are hopeful soon our Member States will approve the new structure of IGAD.”

The Ethiopian Prime Minister H.E. Meles Zenawi, was in Djibouti for launch of the Ethiopia-Djibouti electric power transmission project which is expected to meet 75% of Djibouti’s power demand.

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