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Addis Ababa, 31-08-2016: Ministers from Member States of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) this morning validated in Addis Ababa the IGAD Regional Investment Plan (IGAD-RAIP) 2016-2020 in the presence of His Excellency Ato Wondirad Mandefro; State Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Executive Secretary of IGAD Amb. (Eng) Mahboub Maalim as well as stakeholders.

The IGAD RAIP was developed to advance the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) process as well as rationalize the progress made towards addressing food security and nutritional challenges; ensure synergy and complementarity with ongoing and active regional agricultural development programs to align to the 2014 Malabo commitment on ‘Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods’.

His Excellency Ato Wondirat Mandefro; State Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia officiated the event and pledged continued support towards the long and medium term interventions.

He also called for adoption of adequate risk management initiatives in order to ensure the region is prepared and resilient towards external shocks which should also benefit the most vulnerable people and communities.

In the same spirit; His Excellency Mahboub Maalim commended the IGAD Member States for their commitment and collective effort towards championing CAADP Compact at the national level to contribute to the regional integration agenda and

He further emphasized, implementation of IGAD-RAIP will address the unique challenges faced in the region including climate change, food insecurity, youth unemployment, poverty and adverse migration through improved peace and security, food availability and sustainability as a commitment towards ending hunger and halving poverty by 2025.

The Sub-regional Coordinator for Eastern Africa and FAO Representative to AU and UNECA, Dr. Patrick Kormawa reflected on the 29th FAO Regional Conference for Africa in 2016 on the theme ‘Transforming African Agri-Food systems for inclusive growth and shared prosperity’, that drew on the momentum gathered under the 2014 Malabo Declaration calling for a fundamental shift of Africa’s agricultural and rural development towards transforming the lives of Africans as outlined in the aspirations of the Africa’s Agenda 2063.

The NEPAD Agency Senior Programme Officer – CAADP Ms. Unami Mpofu challenged the Member States, IGAD and partners to facilitate the translation of the declarations that will transform African economies through building systematic capacity at national and regional levels towards an enabling environment that gives life to the decisions, policies and programs advocated for in the IGAD-RAIP.

To further engage the development partners in the implementation of the IGAD RIAP a Business Meeting will be convened in October 2016 to draw out and identify intervention areas for partnership and support.


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