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Mapping out Process Flows and IPSAS adoption Process

By November 10, 201252 Comments

Dead Line for Applications: November 31, 2012
Title: Mapping out Process Flows and IPSAS adoption Process
Duty Station: Djibouti

Reporting To: Director of Administration and Finance



The IGAD Secretariat is a Regional Economic Community (REC) that forms part of the building blocks for economic and political integration for the African Union (AU). It receives both member states funding and partner funding to implement its regional integration strategy that contributes to bigger African development agenda of the AU. IGAD is interested in strengthening her financial management system and accountability and governance framework to improve her efficiency and effectiveness in delivering her strategic objectives in the region. The purpose of the assignment is to identify the gaps existing in the business process flows and systems and design appropriate systematic process flows and frameworks that will facilitate efficient and effective systems for the delivery of agreed objectives and appropriate reporting standard compliance.


IGAD Secretariat has received a grant from JFA partners and will proceed to apply part of this grant towards two major focus areas in its Financial Management Systems indicated below:

1. Accounting Systems Audit/Assessment of processes, work flows and systems: This would involve mapping out all the financial and related administrative business process flows to ensure efficiency and effectiveness and make recommendations of the appropriate business process flows that best suit and comply with standard control procedures. The system-based audit is expected to focus on an analysis of the organisation’s internal operational and financial management control systems in order to determine whether these can guarantee quality and accuracy in the entire organisational chain. This is in a bid to improve efficiency of the secretariat activities and also to streamline standardisation and electronic system build up. The assignment also requires to audit the accounting system in use, its utilisation and the existing system process controls that support its operation, any gaps and the improvements required to build a coherent and a good internal control based system. The proposal is expected to outline the methodology that will be engaged in carrying out the systems audit for all business work flows and related commentary and remedial procedures for adopting the most efficient way of managing process flows and improvement of system processes.

2. International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Compliance: This will involve assessing the Secretariat’s systems and financial management procedures and the reporting framework to inform the development of the roadmap to IPSAS adoption and implementation in order to enhance accountability and improve comparability and rating for international financial reporting. The process will ensure that systems and processes are aligned to comply with IPSAS for both internal and external reporting purposes. Proposals are expected to outline the methodology of the roadmap to implementation of IPSAS and ensuring establishment of organisational processes and systems for continuous compliance.

The Secretariat in view of the above therefore invites competent professional firms to make proposals for the above two lots of assignment that will be financed under JFA funds as per ToRs enclosed herein. The proposals should be addressed to the Director Administration and Finance. They should be submitted in two envelopes clearly marked “technical proposals for the System audit “ and “ Technical proposals for IPSAS adoption” and both proposals should have a separate envelope for the Financial proposals.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 30th November 2012 and assignment is expected to be undertaken within one month of concluding the contract preferably by end January 2013.

Criteria for Selection

1. The proposal should be presented by those having professional record in the systems and accounting audits of not less than 5 years’ , professional firms are encouraged to participate and may be preferred
2. Quoted prior assignments of a similar nature should not be less than 4 with proven reference checks that can be independently referenced by IGAD
3. Competences of the lead personnel to be engaged on the assignment should not be below masters’ level degree. The team should have all relevant CVs outlined in the proposal.
4. Methodology of the consultant/firm is requisite and must clearly indicate the process to be engaged and the time frame for each of the proposed logical steps in the successful completion of the assignment and recommended roadmap and remedial measures for streamlining process flows and controls
5. Similar jobs on system audits and compliance checks a must and should be demonstrated
6. Time frame for completion of the assignment will be a priority

Administration and Finance Division
IGAD Secretariat
P.O. Box 2653
Djibouti, Rep. of Djibouti
with cc
Please use the following reference on the Subject line: REF: TP1217 IT Assistant
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


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