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15-1- 2016 – Djibouti City, Djibouti – The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) as part of the celebrations of its 30th anniversary is holding several events in Djibouti City on Saturday January 16, 2016.

The events include a Panel Discussion in collaboration with the Djibouti Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Djibouti, a staff meeting with the current and former Executive Secretaries at the IGAD Secretariat and a dinner for all stakeholders that have played a role in their achievements and growth in the region.

This Panel Discussion is the first of a series initiated by the current Executive Secretary and will be the highlight and event of the day. It will take a thematic look at development in the Greater Horn of Africa for the past three decades and reflect on the region we want another 30 years from now.

The Panel includes three former Executive Secretaries and the current Executive Secretary His Excellency; Eng. (Amb.) Mahboub Maalim who has led the organization since 2008 to date. They will be joined by the Djiboutian Foreign Affairs Minister, Hon. Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, and Acting Charge’ d’Affaires of the Embassy of Ethiopia to Djibouti, Mr Tefaye Yetayeh, in his capacity as IGAD Chair.

The former Executive Secretaries are; Dr. David Muduuli from Uganda (1991 to 1996), Dr. Tekeste Ghebray from Eritrea (1996 to 2000) and Dr. Attalla Bashir from Sudan (2000 to 2008).

The Panelists will share their experiences and views around the main topic; The Prospects and Challenges of Peace, Security, Economic Development and Integration in the Region, as well as how best IGAD can position itself for Higher Impact.

Upholding peace for a prosperous and integrated region since 1986, the Panel Discussion as a result will be a platform to enhance experience sharing and allow the organization to create a network of regional opinion leaders and be able to disseminate information and inspire discussion broadly as well as chart out a way forward to address the many challenges the region faces and position itself better.

The audience at the Panel Discussion and dinner will include diplomats and technocrats, policy and decision makers from member states and development partner organizations, academics and researchers, the media, the private sector and civil society, scholars and students will listen, reflect and interrogate the development that the region has experienced over the years.




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