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10-11-2016, Kampala: The Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda, Hon. Ali Kirunda Kivejinjam, today launched the IGAD Sectoral Ministerial Committee on Migration in Kampala, Uganda bringing together ministers and representatives of ministers responsible for migration issues from the member states the Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

This high level meeting, which is a sign of the strong commitment from IGAD member states to issues related to migration, saw the participation of the State Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Ethiopia, the State Minister of Interior Affairs of Sudan, the State Minister of Internal Affairs of Uganda, the Deputy Minister of Interior of South Sudan as well as officials delegated for the purpose by their respective Ministers from Djibouti, Kenya, and Somalia.

The ministers deliberated the recommendations of the technical meetings (see below related stories) held between 7th and 9th November 2016 at the same venue, and established the Sectoral Ministerial Committee on Migration as part of IGAD Policy Organs. The ministers also issued a declaration of commitment moving forward.

The IGAD Secretariat has been working closely with the member states to facilitate the implementation of the five-year IGAD Migration Action Plan (MAP 2015-2020) in line with the Regional Migration Policy Framework (RMPF) adopted in July 2012.

One of the main strategic recommendations from the RMPF and the MAP 2015-2020 is to have a strong IGAD institutional framework in order to implement, monitor and evaluate the IGAD RMPF. This calls for the strengthening of migration governance within IGAD both at national and regional levels.

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