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IGAD is jointly undertaking with IOM a regional project on “Capacity Building in Migration and Border Management for Selected IGAD Member States.”  Funded by IOM 1035 facility#.


This project is an extension and continuation of the East African Migration Route (EAMR) Programme funded by the European Commission and is designed to address specific policy and operational needs and gaps in the migration and border management structures already identified through technical assessments. Hence it will compliment other Technical Cooperation on Migration Management   programmes in the region notably in the IGAD member states of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya and Uganda funded by bilateral and multilateral donors.

The project will address both policy and operational challenges in selected IGAD Member States including the following:

Development of an IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework:

Migration patterns in the IGAD region have to be seen against the background of political instability, poor economic performance and natural disasters. It is in light of these challenges that the IGAD Secretariat will be developing a regional migration policy framework to inspire its member states to develop and operationalize their national migration frameworks.  This is consistent with and in direct response to AU Banjul (2006) Executive Council Decision which urges member states and the RECs to use the AU continental migration policy framework as a reference document for developing regional and national migration policies.


Roll–Out of the IGAD Regional Consultative Process (IGAD-RCP):


A workshop will be organized in Addis Ababa to bring together the relevant officials from target IGAD countries, and selected neighbouring transit countries and countries of destination notably Western European countries, and other international partners to initiate the roll-out of the RCP.  The RCP will inter-alia foster common understanding and promote policy coherence on migration management in the region.. This workshop is the first since the launch of the IGAD RCP in May 2008 by the AU and IGAD and its sole purpose would be to initiate the roll-out process including other thematic issues identified by the IGAD member states.

Technical and Border Assessment

The assessment will identify the technical, operational and infrastructural gaps in the border management regime for enhanced migration and border management. The borders to be assessed have already been identified by the IGAD Immigration Officers during the Technical Steering Group (TSG) Meeting on Migration and Border Management held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July 2008. Four key border posts have already been assessed and many others are yet to be assessed. However, within the framework of this project, only two borders would be assessed at the Sudan – Kenya border at (Lokichoggio – Koboyta) and the Sudan – Uganda border at Madie Opae/Bepeya – Nimule.

Technical and Professional Training:

Two technical and professional trainings would be undertaken by Technical Experts; one at the Africa Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) in Arusha, Tanzania and the other in Khartoum, Sudan. The training curriculum would be developed by the IOM Experts based on needs and gaps identified by Member States as well as existing IOM migration training modules taking into consideration specific national and regional migration dynamics and challenges.

Develop Migration Profiles:

Migration profiles which will take place in Sudan and Djibouti will be complimentary and supplementary to existing work already being done there. This is in direct response to requests by selected IGAD countries to provide a structured framework for bringing together data and information related to migration, which are often scattered within and outside government. The country profiles will include information about immigration and emigration trends, patterns, assessment of data gaps, details of administrative structures, analysis of policy and operational responses, assessment of the consequences of migration, role of government and non-state actors. Similarly, standardized operational guidelines for labour migration will be developed for Kenya.

Information Campaign:

The mass awareness and information campaign will be complimentary and supplement existing awareness campaigns in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda. The renewed targeted campaigns will be directed at potential migrants and irregular migrants; advising them of the dangers of irregular migration, job information and employment opportunities in intended destination countries as well as the available legal channels of emigration.

Establishment of a Regional Migration Coordination Committee (RMCC):

One of the key recommendations by the IGAD technical Experts is to use the existing structures at the national level (Task Force) and expand that to establish a Regional Migration Coordination Committee (RMCC); and subsequently a Ministerial Committee to deliberate and endorse decisions on migration. The RMCC will comprise of representatives of ministries with migration related functions and responsibilities with the objective of strengthening coordination and information sharing mechanisms to enhance intra-state and intra regional cooperation. A coordination meeting will be held at the IGAD Secretariat in Djibouti under the auspices of IGAD. The RMCC would be coordinated by IGAD and endorsed by the appropriate IGAD policy organs.

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