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22-08-2016, Djibouti:
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) condemns in the strongest words possible the terrorist Al Shabab Group’s car bomb attacks on civilians and security forces perpetrated on the 21st of August 2016 in the Somali city of Galkayo killing 20 people.

IGAD offers its heartfelt condolences to Puntland State of Somalia, the Federal Government of Somalia, and the people of Somalia as well as to the families who lost their loved ones and a speedy recovery to those who were injured in these attacks.

This terror crime is abhorrent as it is meant to discourage the heroic people of Somalia from rebuilding their shattered homeland after more than two decades of war and destruction.

“It is our belief that this atrocious terror attack will not discourage the Somali government and the Somali people from preparing themselves for general elections, a very much expected historic and highly significant political exercise;” the Executive Secretary of IGAD, HE Amb. (Eng.) Mahboub Maalim, commented.

IGAD, now as ever, stands hand in hand with the Government and people of Somalia whose exemplary enthusiasm in rebuilding their country, is a ray of hope to all people who face the same challenges all over the world.

“Terror groups should realize that these atrocities will never deter the Somali people from their legitimate and determined quest of a peaceful, democratic and prosperous homeland,” Amb. (Eng.) Maalim concluded.

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