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The Karamoja Cluster is one of the areas in the IGAD region which is affected by recurrent drought, which in turn is leading to conflicts as a result of competition for water and pastures. IGAD embarked on a study to analyze the nexus between natural resources use and conflicts in the Cluster, which came up with a recommendation to take the Karamoja Cluster as an ecological, economic, social and security zone that has to be addressed in an integrated manner. Accordingly, IGAD undertook an integrated development plan for the Karamoja Cluster, which was presented to Member States on 5-6 November 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting endorsed the integrated development plan and the proposed institutional structure under IGAD secretariat to support the implementation of the plan. IGAD will submit the recommendation to the next IGAD Council of Ministers for their consideration.

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