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19-11-2018, Djibouti (Djibouti): The Prime Minister of the Republic of Djibouti, H.E. Mr. Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, this morning inaugurated the Fourth Pan African Forum on Migration (PAFoM IV) under the theme: ‘Harnessing the benefits of Free Movement of persons regime for sustainable development in Africa’.

The Fourth Pan African Forum on Migration (PAFoM IV) is hosted by the Government of Djibouti in collaboration with the African Union Commission, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The Forum aims to provide a more focused engagement with all relevant Migration stakeholders including the Regional Economic Communities such as IGAD, AU Member States, private sector, academia, parliamentarians, African diaspora community and civil society organizations in Africa. Others include African trade unions, National Human Rights institutions, Local Authorities, the Media and relevant UN and International Non-Governmental Organizations with Migration mandate.

The Director of the Health & Social Development, Ms Fathia Alwan speaking for the IGAD Executive at the opening session, expressed her satisfaction the continental gathering on migration was held in Djibouti, an IGAD Member State and host to the regional organisation Secretariat. She recalled that the Founding Fathers of the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Desertification (IGADD), the ancestor of the current IGAD, aspired for a free movement of persons regime which is stipulated in the Agreement Establishing IGADD in 1986.

Ms Alwan highlighted the importance IGAD gives to migration management as “an essential pillar towards achievement of sustainable solutions and a stronger socioeconomic stability is the IGAD region”.

“As we are in the process of elaborating the IGAD Protocol on Free Movement of Persons and Transhumance, IGAD participants will pay great attention to the various presentations, case studies and experiences to be shared and debated during the Forum”, she said.

It is expected that the Forum will inter-alia result in the following outcomes:

a) A progress report on the implementation status of the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons with clear recommendations on how the AU and other stakeholders can fast track the ratification and implementation process by Member States within the continent.

b) A Status update of different migration related activities undertaken by RECs and RCPs with a view of identifying potential areas of collaboration, benchmarking and sharing best practices among RECs within the framework of Protocol on Free Movement of persons in Africa and other continental migration agenda.

c) A common understanding of African Union Migration Agenda and position on various migration issues in the continent.

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