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Peace and SecurityPolitical Affairs


By June 22, 2013June 18th, 202153 Comments

(IGAD – Khartoum) The 6th Regular Session of the Regional Steering Committee of IGAD NGOs/CSOs Forum organised by the Political Affairs of the Peace and Security Division met in Khartoum, Sudan from 17th to 19th of June, 2013. Government and NGOs/CSOs were the participants of the meeting. 

Mr. Ali Adam Hassan, the Acting Commissioner of the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) at the Ministry of Interior of Sudan, opened the meeting and noted that the IGAD region has experienced many conflicts. He urged the NGOs/CSOs in the region to be in the forefront in solving these conflicts.

The meeting is aimed at familiarising the participants with IGAD’s NGO/CSO Forum’s objectives and activities.

The outgoing chairperson, Ms. Saba Gebremedhin, in her speech emphasised that the last few years have helped the member organizations to internalize the IGAD objectives and strengthen mechanism by putting in place the necessary tools. She pointed out further that it is now time for action and whatever we do should contribute to support the unity, economic development and regional integration of the IGAD region.

In her acceptance speech, the incoming Chairperson, Ms. Mulu Haile, noted that the task ahead was enormous and urged the members to work hard to build on the foundation that has been laid by the previous Regional Steering Committee (RSC).
The meeting recommended Action Plan 2013-2014 based on the Strategic Plan Framework for 2012-2014. Three working groups were formed to address the following specific plans for Regional Steering Committee, National Steering Committee and Resources Mobilization Committee.

The Director of the Peace and Security Division, Hon. Netsannet Asfaw, who made the concluding remarks, noted that our continent Africa is rising which means IGAD region is also rising and has became an important investment destination in the world. She stressed that the Forum should be an important agent of peace, security, stability, development and integration.

The meeting agreed to convene a General Assembly meeting in Djibouti in October 2013 to push its agenda forward.



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