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May 16, 2022 (PRETORIA, South Africa): The Intergovernmental Authority on Development today kick started a capacity building tour to Southern Africa for officials from Ministries in charge of water resources management of IGAD member countries.

Member states’ representatives embarked on this four-day study to learn and implement knowledge gained in the IGAD region.

The main objective of the Study Tour is to promote issues of Regional Collaboration and Cooperation in Transboundary Aquifer Management  and  Development.

Specifically, the study tour also includes different points such as:

  • learning how the trust has been built between countries to share the data; lessons learned on Regional Cooperation on Management and Development of Transboundary Aquifers;
  • the governance structures for such shared groundwater resources;
  • learning how the joint management of the resources can be can beneficial for local communities;
  • documenting lessons learned from successful joint Transboundary Aquifer management and development programs for these shared Transboundary Aquifers in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries;
  • getting experience gained in sharing the costs of joint infrastructure development and  their maintenance; and
  • documenting lessons learned from formulating governance, legal frameworks, and establishment of various institutions for the management of shared groundwater resources water.


This capacity building activity is supported by the World Bank.


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