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Entebbe, 28-09-2015: The 4th Intergovernmental Authority on Development Hydrological Cycle Observing System (IGAD-HYCOS) Project Steering Committee Meeting opened in Entebbe, Uganda, this morning. The meeting was officially launched by the representative of the Uganda Government who highlighted the importance of the water resources to the region, and expressed his government appreciation to IGAD for addressing the water issues in the participating countries. 

Furthermore, he thanked the European Union for securing the required funds for implementing this important project. He also thanked the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for providing its expertise in the Project implementation.

Mr Mohamed Moussa, IGAD Agriculture and Environment Division Director in his capacity as Acting IGAD Executive Secretary, thanked the Ugandan Government for hosting the meeting and providing excellent facilities. He assured the audience of IGAD commitment to continue supporting its member countries to achieve their Development Goals for Peace, Stability and Food Security.

The main purpose of the meeting is to allow the Steering Committee (SC) members to monitor the work and assess the progress in the implemented activities in accordance with the recommendations of the last meeting.

This is also the opportunity for participants to discuss and exchange views on the work progress and provide guidance to the HYCOS Project Manager (HYCOS-PM) to ensure successful implementation of the remaining activities.

This four-day meeting is being attended by 35 participants including the Steering Committee members and National Focal Points from IGAD countries and Burundi and Rwanda.

Also, representative of the IGAD, the European Union, the World Meteorological Organisation, the Nile Bassin Initiative, the World Bank, GIZ, the UN Development Programme, SEBA, the French Institute for Research and Development, and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) are partaking the meeting.

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