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11-june-2019, (ENTEBBE, Uganda):Ensuring continuity of Tuberculosis (TB) treatment in the region is one of the critical concerns for The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). IGAD in joint partnership with USAID and the USAID-funded Challenge TB (CTB) project continues to increase its focus on improving the health of Cross-Border and Mobile Populations (CBMP) and strengthening inter-country collaboration and referral systems for TB amongst its member governments. It is on this effort that IGAD convened a four-day experience sharing workshop for IGAD Member states National Tuberculosis (TB) Program on Cross-Border TB disease diagnosis, treatment, and continuity of care amongst the Member States.

Conducted in the lakeside town of Entebbe, the workshop brought together TB Programme Managers, M&E experts, district/county TB focal persons and health care providers working in the cross-border health facilities in all IGAD member states. Also present were experts from the IGAD secretariat and Challenge TB who have been providing technical backstopping on cross-border TB.

The workshop followed a review of the country guidelines for TB management and an assessment on TB services in the IGAD cross-border areas in 2018. This particular assessment also reviewed the current inter-country TB patients referral system and informed the planning and implementation of cross-border TB activities.

During the meeting:

  • Member states highlighted the changes already made or anticipated to the TB management guidelines in the region and progress towards regional standardization.
  • Member states outlined the steps so far taken to comply with the latest WHO guidelines on the management of TB.
  • A regional roadmap for intercountry referral system was developed, deliberated and agreed by the Member States.
  • Participants from the different border districts shared experiences and best practices on the management of cross-border TB.

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