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07-03-2018, Djibouti (Djibouti): The Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), H.E. Amb (Eng) Mahboub Maalim, yesterday received in his office the African Development Bank (AfDB-Kenya-Ethiopia Offices) Chief Transport Engineer, Eng. Wa-Kyendo Mumina, who was on mission to Djibouti for the Addis Ababa-Djibouti corridor.

Eng. Mumina, during his courtesy visit, was accompanied by Mr. Dileyta Soultan Mohamed Director of Transport (Djibouti Ministry of Transport) and Mr. Tadesse Tefera (Ethiopia Ministry of Transport).

The purpose of the mission to Djibouti was to assess the condition and developmental needs of the Addis Ababa – Djibouti road corridor.

 AfDB is hopeful that it will work alongside IGAD in project preparation towards the development of the Addis Ababa – Djibouti corridor, especially in improving the three corridor alternative routes including Djibouti-Dikhil-Galafi; Djibouti-Dudubalala-Ali Sabieh-Guelile; and Djibouti-Holhol-Ali Sabieh-Guelile sections. The mission has noted that the Dikhil-Galafi road section is destroyed and requires urgent reconstruction.

 IGAD updated the mission on the ongoing Kampala-Juba-Addis Ababa-Djibouti corridor studies.

The Executive Secretary in a separate meeting received a delegation from the Regional Network Officer (Sub-Saharan Africa)-Counter Terrorism & Extremism Network (CTEN) of the British Government: Ms. Anna Waters and Ms. Tammy Clayton.


The ES updated them on the significant progress that has been undertaken in supporting IGAD Member States in countering terrorism and violent extremism. The visiting delegation expressed their deep satisfaction in the work of the IGAD Center of Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE Center) based in Djibouti.

They pledged UK support to the activities and programmes of the CVE Center.


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