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The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the European Union (EU) and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) have today signed in Addis Ababa a €42 million agreement that will go towards IGAD’s peace and security programmes in the Horn of Africa region.

The agreement is one of many actions being funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, which was established to promote stability and address the root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons. The agreement also includes financing from the governments of Austria and Sweden. This action, which covers a four-year period from 2018 to 2022, will help IGAD to improve its conflict early warning systems, become more skilled in mediation, and to counter trans-national security threats. In particular, IGAD and its partner countries in the region will be able to improve the collection and distribution of early warning data, so that governments can take action in time to prevent conflicts.

Refer to the joint press release attached for further details.


Joint Press Release – IGAD-EU-ADA sign new grant agreement on peace and security in the Horn – 23 March 2018

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