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23 November 2014, Nairobi, Kenya: IGAD Executive Secretary, Ambassador Mahboub Maalim has today strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a commuter bus in northern Kenya that left at least 28 civilians dead, calling for those responsible “to be brought to justice swiftly.”

The Executive Secretary pledged the continuing support of the regional organization to Kenya and the countries of the region in their tireless efforts to address the endemic acts of terrorism and extremism. “IGAD stands resolute with the people and Government of Kenya in this fight to ensure the safety and security of all citizens and visitors without distinction of faith, race, creed, or other social or economic standing.” He conveys heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims on his own behalf and that of the entire region.

“These criminals were trying to divide us, but their barbaric acts have only served to isolate the perpetrators and brought the peace loving people of the region together.”

Ambassador Maalim expressed his solidarity with the people and the government of Kenya, concluding that there can be absolutely no justification for such heinous acts that occurred in Mandera.

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